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hey, just wondered if anyone could give me some advice. i've been feeling really anxious and sad for the past couple of days and i don't know how to make it stop. i've also been feeling really lonely, which makes me feel stupid because i know that i have people so i should be grateful. my best friend lives in spain (i live in england) and one of my closest friends is currently away training to be in the navy and i just miss them so much. being around them makes me feel happy and relaxes me and they aren't here and i don't know what to do.
whenever i get anxious i usually listen to shawn or call my friends but it hasn't been working recently due to how bad it has been.
i would be so grateful for any advice that you guys have for me and i will try anything to make this stop or even if it just got a little better, i'm really struggling to deal with it, thank you
i love you all x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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