Chapter 5 - Panic attacks and Cuddles.

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Shawn's POV

I gave her my phone number. I know what you're thinking, you've only just met the girl, you've hardly even had one conversation with her. However, she helped me. She saw that I needed help and she gave it to me. There's only a couple of people who have ever done that for me before, my family, Andrew and the rest of my team. I always try and hide this side of me from the fans. Right now, I just couldn't get what she said out of my head.
"Whenever I get panic attacks, people just stare, they don't know what to or how to help me, so they just avoid eye contact and pretend that they don't see me".
It broke my heart to think that she doesn't have anyone to help her. I don't know what I would do if I had to go through a panic attack on my own.

*2 weeks later*

I could hear my phone ringing on my bedside table. I reached over and picked it up, looking at the screen to see who was calling. Y/n.
"Hello?", I asked.
"Shawn, it's Y/n, I didn't want to call you but I can't do this on my own, It's bad shawn, I can't breathe, my skin feels like it's on fire, it's the worst it's ever been, I need you".
Her voice broke when she said the last three words and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I could hear her deep breaths through the phone and I could tell that she was struggling.
"Hey, hey it's okay, give me your address, I'll come round okay?", I said, trying to sound as calm as I could.
"I live on (you give him your address)", she replied.
"Okay, I'm on my way, I won't be long, I promise", I replied, getting my shoes on and grabbing my keys.
"Shawn? will you stay on the phone to me? I'm scared", she said, panting.
"Of course, I will".
A few minutes later I was at her house.
"Okay, I'm here, come and open your door", I said through the phone.
I heard her footsteps getting closer and closer to the door. She opened it a little and looked through the crack, before flinging it open and running into my arms. Her eyes were all red and puffy and she was shaking. Her skin was red hot to the touch and her face was damp from her tears.
I slowly walked her into the living room, where I could see some broken plates and glasses on the laminate floor. We sat down on the sofa and she cuddled into my chest, her breathing becoming slower and slower.
"Are you okay?", I asked, my voice shaking a little.
She looked up into my eyes and I could see the sadness in them.

Thank you so much for reading this part, I would love to know what you thought! I would just like to quickly say that if you are struggling with anxiety or any type of mental illness, please please please tell someone you trust, you do NOT need to suffer in silence and alone. I love you all, I'm so thankful for you.

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