Chapter one: Shawn mendes?

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Your POV

Today had been a CRAZY day. Firstly, I was late to my new job in a Café in the centre of London, so much for making good first impressions. Secondly, I thought it would be a good idea to go walk to work this morning. On the way it was completely fine, there was hardly anyone out and the sun was shining in the sky. Oh my, how things can change. By lunch time, the heavens had opened and I regretted not bringing my coat. I mean, I should have know, this is England after all. Honestly, I'm so sick and tired of this rain. Day after day after day. I mean, that's basically all it does round here.
Anyway, now it's 4pm and I'm still at work. It hasn't been bad though, just VERY busy. It is, however, starting to calm down as more and more people go home to their families after a long day at work. Having only lived in London for just under a year, I am still not used to how busy it can get and the amount of well known people who live here. For example, I think I've seen more well-known people in the last 8 months that I've lived in London than I have in my entire life, and considering I'm 20, I would say that is pretty significant. Sometimes I do that thing where you recognise a famous person and you keep staring at them like 'where do I know you from?' and then you give up and you're like 'Probably from school or something'. You look away and it clicks, like 'shit that's her from X-factor'. I have done that many times.
The café closes at 7pm meaning I only have 2 hours left on my shift. I cannot wait to go home, put my pajamas on and watch netflix. The café is quite quiet now, as there are only a couple of customers here, sat on their computers doing work. My job mainly consists of cleaning the tables and making the coffee, which I like, I find it calming in a weird way. Every so often the bell will ring, signalling that someone had either come in or left, so every time it goes of I look up, to see which one it is. Recently, it's just been people going out. But this time, someone has come in. I finish wiping down the table I am stood at and walk over to the register that is sat on the counter.
"Hi, Welcome to The Swallow coffee shop, what can I get you?", I ask, in my usual excitable voice.
"Erm, can I get a Latte please?", the stranger answers.
I look up from the register and meet his chocolate brown eyes. His hair is a lot longer than it used to be, but it makes him look 10x hotter.
"Sure, that'll be £2.40 please", I say, my voice a little quieter than before.
You know earlier when I was saying about not knowing who all the well-known people are? Well I definitely know who this one is. Shawn. Freaking. Mendes.

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