"Shelly I want Panera Bread!!!"  Lindsey said to me in the back seat.

"What do you know about some Panera bread!?"

"Nana takes me there all the time. It's sooooo good!!! can we go please!?"

This little girl is a trip. I had to laugh to myself how dramatic she also is.

"Of course lets do it"

We were sitting down at panera. I had the cinnamon crunch bagel with some fruit and some tea and lindsey had some steel oatmeal with the kids yogurt and apple juice. We were having a great talk when my phone rung. It was Jamyis.

"Hold on babe" I said to Lindsey as she was talking my ears off. "Hey boo"

"Wassup where you at?"

"At Panera with Lindsey"

"Eww heffa no invite you know I love me some Panera."

"It's sister time heffa."

"I'm ya sister too am I not!" she said laughing.

"Yess My I mean lil sis big sis bond time."

"Well after come to the house i invited the girls to come over and talk since this past week has been a lot for us all."


"Oh and since i'm sis too bring me some cinnamon crunch bread please! them sh*ts be banging."

I laughed at her slick slide in order. "Yeah yeah yeah bye."

"Now like I was saying gosh!......" Lindsey said rolling her eyes. I'm guessing she thought I was rudely interrupting our time which I was.

"I'm sorry babe! continue!"

After we headed straight to Jamyis house. I pulled up and saw Cadence and two other cars in the drive way too. I rung the bell and Jamyis answered. "You got my bread!?" was all her fat a** could say to me. I handed it to her and  walked in to see Momma K, my mom, Ms. Anne, Cadence, and Nyla all in the living room sitting and talking. 

"Hey everyone!" I said walking into the living room with Lindsey running passed me strait to my mom."


"Hey sugar loaf!" My mom said grabbing her up and kissing her. 

"Is this some type of girls intervention" I said laughing taking a seat in between momma K  and ms. Anne after kissing and greeting everyone.

"Something like that..." Nyla said sounding not herself. Wonder what's her issue.

"Look at you getting so big!" Ms. Anne said sitting next to me touching my belly.

"I know he's starting to work my back out ugh!"

"Thats the art of pregnancy baby." momma K said

"I know I just can't wait to see his face." I said smiling.

"Aren't we all! spoil time!" Cadence said.

"Werd." Jamyis said stuffing her face with the bread.

"Who went to Panera!?" My mother said.

"I did with Lindsey thats where we were at before here. Lil sis big sis bond time"

"Aww" Ms. Anne said.

"You aint think to bring no one else none though?!!! Cadence said.

"Im sorry! I didn't even know y'all was all going to be here let alone wanted some. Didn't cross my mind."

A Spiders Web * Under constructionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें