When he finally calmed down, he said "of course I'm joking! Pineapple on pizza is just nasty!" Oh good, I thought to myself. "My favorite kind of pizza is pepperoni."

I nodded, the ride settled in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes. Well, that was before I heard the start of one of my current favorite songs being played on the radio. I turned the volume up a little, so I could hear it better. It was Thirty Seconds to Mars' song called Walk on Water. It was such a good song.

As the song went on, I found it more and more difficult to enjoy the song in silence. Apparently, Eli did too, because the both of us gradually started singing along to the song louder and louder as he turned the volume up more and more. We were both fully committed to jamming out to it, head banging, and crazy car dance moves included.

When the song ended, I let out a carefree sigh and I leaned back into the seat. I thoroughly enjoyed doing that, no question about it—for once. I let out an excited and happy giggle before looking over towards Eli and saying, "I love that song!"

He nodded, "So do I. But you really knocked it out of the park. I thought I had the car jamming down to a science, but you... you have surpassed me. That was amazing!!" He told me chuckling. Eventually I joined in with his laughter and the car was filled with it as we pulled into the parking lot of this new restaurant.

The sign out front read 'The Pizza Box.' How cute, I thought to myself. When we walked in, it seemed busy, but we were lucky that there was a table open for us to be sat at quickly. Eli picked up a menu and looked at the different options they had as we waited for an employee to get to us. Every once in a while he would comment on something he thought was interesting, saying he had to try it sometime.

Soon a waitress came by and quickly took our orders before returning with our drinks. She first turned to me asking what I wanted to eat, I was about to reply when I thought about it for a minute. What if I order the wrong thing and Eli gets mad at me? I looked up to him to gauge his facial expression and reaction. But he was smiling at me waiting for me to respond to the woman, "um.. a slice of cheese pizza, please?" I hated the way it came out, it sounded like an insecure question. When I looked back at Eli his expression held a questioning gaze, crap. I ordered the wrong thing. Before I could ponder on it more, he smiled at me and then ordered for himself.

When the waitress left, Eli and I talked about different things we had going on, at home and at school. Seemingly forgetting about what had just happened. That screw up will come back to haunt me later. I just know it. Eli had been preparing for basketball season recently and told me I should go to one of his games.

I was excited for the show we're going to put on in the theatre. It was a musical called Bye, Bye Birdie. I couldn't wait to be a part of it. When Eli asked me if I had auditioned, I shook my head and explained that I wasn't big on being onstage, I liked being in the background doing some of the stage work. Setting up props, lighting, and sound, things like that.

We were in the middle of talking about our recent progress on our science project when the both of us eyed someone walking by with a pineapple pizza. Immediately the both of us started laughing, commenting on how gross it was.

The pizza there was delicious, "I think this is the best pizza I've ever had." I stated before taking another bite. I saw Eli nod out of the corner of my eye as he continued eating his pepperoni slice. The rest of the time we ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the food too much to want to talk anymore.

As we finished, we each paid our own way and left my new favorite restaurant. As we settled into the car, Eli sighed and turned to look at me, "I don't want to go home yet. I'm having an amazing time with you."

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