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A Month Later
14 weeks pregnant

"Are you coming tonight?" Finn asked.

"Of course!" I said and he smiled. "Do you think you'll make it to the doctors' appointment?"

"Yeah, I already talked with the coach and it's all clear." Finn said. Today is an important day for two things, today is Finn's first game of the football season and the expectations are high because they won last year and it's here in New York. He is nervous but also excited. And the second important thing of the day, the doctors' appointment! We're going to check on our baby and probably find out the gender! I'm really excited about that, I mean, it's our baby! "I would never let you find out the gender before me!" He said and I laughed.

"Go to work Hudson!" I said and throw a pillow at him and he laughed.

"Joke is on you because you're a Hudson now too!" He said and throw the pillow back and I laughed and he left the apartment. A few minutes later, he comes into the apartment again and I frowned confused.

"What are you doing here? You'll be late." I said and Finn laughed and walked towards me.

"I forgot to do this." He said and kissed my forehead and I smiled at him. "And to say that I love you two."

"We love you too." I said and he pecked my lips and left and I stayed there smiling wondering how did I end up so lucky for having him.


Finn's POV - hours later

The practice is over and I'm so fucking excited! Finally! I'm going to find out the gender of our baby and I'm so excited.

"Coach, can I go now?" I asked the coach and he smiled.

"You should be gone by now, son!" He said and I laughed.

"Bye man! And please tell us the gender, we're all betting here. I'm sure it's a boy." One of my teammates said and I laughed.

I leave the stadium and when I was walking to my car I hear a loud noise then I feel a burning sensation in my stomach.

"What the—" I said and looked down to my stomach and saw that my white shirt was now red, I put my hand on it and look to my fingers. Why am I bleeding?

Then a strong pain took over my body and I groaned in pain and fall on the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I heard Joshua, one of my teammates, yelling then footsteps coming closer to me. "Finn?! Hudson!" He shouted and kneeled closer to me and I felt my eyes closing but he gave me some taps on my face to keep me awake. "Hey! Finn! Stay awake! HELP! HELP!" He yelled really loud then more people came closer and I remember everything getting dark.

Rachel's POV

I keep calling and texting Finn, no answers. What the hell? He should be here by now.

"Mrs.Berry?" The nurse called and I shook my head.

"Can you wait a little? My husband should be here." I said and she small smiled.

"5 minutes, okay?" She said and I nodded and after spending the 5 minutes crazily texting and calling Finn, no answer. The nurse came to me again and I just went inside the room.

"Hello Rachel, how are you today?" My doctor asked and I sighed.

"I'm alright." I said. After doing the exams and telling me that the baby was completely healthy and that warmed my heart. I'm still really confused that Finn didn't call or texted.

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