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"I'm so proud of you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and Finn smiled and we kissed passionately.

"Thank you." He said and I smiled. "But now I have to go or I'm going to be late."

"See ya tonight." I said kissing him once again

"See ya tonight, princess." He said and I laughed and pecked my lips then he left.

Finn and I are together for 9 months already and things couldn't be better. We're living together and really happy.

After Jesse died I thought I would never be happy again, but I was so wrong. What Jesse and I had is special, he will always have a place in my heart. He taught me so much about life, even tho his ended up so soon. I would never be on Broadway if weren't for Jesse, he encouraged me. If Jesse were alive I don't if we would still be together, maybe yes, maybe no, that's something I will never know.

All I know is that I love Finn Hudson so much. And that I found the happiness I thought I had lost forever. Wake up next to Finn is wake up thinking you're the luckiest girl alive everyday. He makes me feel loved, beautiful and wanted. He makes me feel special.

I see myself marrying Finn, that's definitely something I would like to do in the future. Marry him, he is the love of my life, my soulmate. Honestly I'm just waiting for him to propose. Because I can't wait to say I Do on the altar with Finn Hudson next to me.


"I'm so excited, I can't believe my baby finally made it!" Carole said and I laughed. We're in the limo going to the stadium, coincidentally the Superbowl this year is here in NY.

"I'm so proud of him." I said smiling.

"Awwww." It was the sound that eachoed in the limo and I laughed.

"I'm sure the Giants is going to win. Finn is an amazing Quarterback." Kurt said.

"Do you even know what being an amazing Quarterback is about?" Blaine asked himcand everyone laughed. Blaine and Kurt got back together in Puck and Teddy's wedding just like Santana and Brittany. Who would thought that someday all of us would be in stable relationships and we all happy.

It's kind of funny that in High School everything is so messed up but when we are adults relationships are way easier than before.

"Well he make it to the finals, I'm sure that means he is a good Quarterback." Kurt said and we all just laughed.

"I don't understand a single thing about football." Teddy said and we all laughed.

"Babe, that's because in your country people only play rugby." Puck said and everyone laughed. They're perfect to each other.

"Oh shut up Puckerman!" She said and everyone laughed.

"You're also a Puckerman, honey." He said and we all just laughed again.

We get in the stadium and after walking trough a few hallways and do all the security procedures, we're finally in the VIP area. Wow, it's huge. I wonder how Finn can concentrate with so many people around him.

I feel my phone vibrating and I saw the caller ID and saw the name Love ❤️ on it and I pick up already knowing who is.

"Hey babe, we're here." I said to him.

"Hey! I just wanted to hear your voice before the game." He said and I smiled. "I'm nervous."

"Don't be, you got this. You practice long and long hours every single day. You know if someone can do this, this someone is you." I said and I almost can see him half smiling.

"You think so?" He asked.

"I'm sure so." I said. "If you get nervous just remember that your fan number 1 is here cheering for you no matter what."

"I love you so much." He said.

"I mean it, I'm wearing the number 5 jersy, a giants cap and a giants sweater because I'm freezing." I said and he laughed.

"Don't worry babe, at home will be so hot that I'll make you wet." He said playfully, but not joking at all and my eyes widened.

"FINN!" I shouted and he burst out laughing.

"Sorry not sorry babe. It's true, you better hope for us to have a celebratory sex tonight." He said and I laughed and my face got really red.

"If I don't kill you for saying this kind of stuff even tho I have no idea of who you're with." I said and he laughed.

"I'm alone right now, do you really thought I would say that close to any of my teammates? You're mine, I don't want to anyone with their eyes on you." He said and I chuckled. "Oh shit, I gotta go but I'll se you later."

"Good luck, I love you." I said to him.

"Thank you, I love you too." He said and we hang up. I comeback to everyone and I'm nervous and excited, I really want him to win.


"THEY WON! THEY WON!" I yelled and I can feel tears streaming down my face and I hugged Quinn and we couldn't stop squealing.

This feels so unreal, I'm on cloud nine right now. Finn won! The Giants won! They are the champions! I'm so happy for Finn, so happy.

"Rachel you should go down there." Puck said smiling and I nodded and followed who was going down there, basically just girlfriends, wifes, kids or whatever.

When I saw Finn I hugged him so tight and I couldn't keep my tears away. This is one of the best days of my life, I'm so happy and so happy for him. He is just amazing.

"I always knew you could do it, I always knew." I said in his arm and he cupped my face with his both hands and kissed my face a lot of times. Then I wrap my hands around his neck and kissed him passionately, he lift me off the floor and when we broke the kiss, we just stay like that hugging really tight.

"I'm so proud of you, Finn Hudson. Congratulations." I said to him.

"I couldn't do it without you and you know that." He said and I look in his eyes.

"Of course you could." I said and he put me back on the floor and we hugged again. I don't care about the sweat of there are thousands of people here, all that matter is him now. That's his moment, he just won Superbowl.

"I have something for you." He said.

"What?" I said confused and he went away, I can't see him really well but I see him talking to a few people that hand him a microphone then everything went black and a spotlight pointed to him. I'm so damn confused.

"I'm so nervous and so happy right now." He said chuckling nervously. "But I'm going straight to the point." He said and walked closer and closer. What the hell is he doing? "Rachel today is the most special day in my life. And I couldn't be happier right now because I get to enjoy this day with you. Because you make me feel like the luckier man every single moment I spend next to you. You are like a beacon of light that guides me trough the darkness. You give me joy in every morning and give me peace in every night. My life is wonderful because you are with me, you make me happy even if I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappear. Your love has made me crazy. I will love you till the end of my life. And I want to be with you all my life. I love you. So Rachel Berry..." He gets in one knee and take the hand that was hidden behind his back and opened showing the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. Is this really happening? "Will you marry me?" He asked and I smiled and tears started to fall from my eyes. The crowd went wild and I had a huge smile on my face.

"YES! YES! I'll marry you!" I said nodding and he stand up and put the ring on my finger and we hugged relly tight and he spin me around and we kissed passionately. "I love you so much." I said hugging him tight.

"I love you more." He said.

You AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora