I Can Make You Happy

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"Oh my God, Finn! This is all so beautiful!" She said looking to the picnic under the stars that I got ready for her. As she look to the picnic I got the chance to take a real good look on her tonight. She is wearing a simple but really beautiful white dress and golden heels. Her highlighted hair loose with some soft curls and she is using a light makeup, nothing really heavy. She is wearing diamonds earings and some bracelets. She can mix the simple with the fancy and make it work. I'm glad I have her in my life again. She looks extremely gorgeous.

"You look so pretty tonight." I said and she looked up at me smiling and we sit down.

"Thank you. You look pretty gorgeous too." She said and I chuckled.

"I try my best." I said and she laughed. We ate the food and we talked and now we're just laying on the blanket looking to the stars.

"You know that tomorrow probably a lot of gossip blogs will be posting pictures of us right now, right?" Rachel said and I laughed.

"I don't care, this feels so good." I said with her as looking to the stars.

"Yeah." She said and I look at her and she is looking at me. Then we kissed. It was passionately and I felt the burning feeling inside that only her can make me feel.

"You're amazing." I said and grab a piece of her hair and put behind her ear. "You're the most gorgeous and funny woman I ever met. I know you've been trough a lot, more than I could ever understand. But I also know that I can make you happy if you let me." I said whispering to her, our faces are inches away and our lips almost touching. My body is over hers and she is looking into my eyes with her penetrating brown eyes. "I promise to give my best everyday to make you the happiest. But only if you let me. So Rachel Berry, will you be my girlfriend?" She just kissed me.

"Yes." She said and I smiled and we kissed again. "I would love to be your girlfriend."

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