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Months Later

A bow with the rest of the cast and the curtains closed. The last performance of Funny Girl, my dream musical. I can't believe I made it. I played Fanny Brice during an entire year, getting the part of Fanny made my dream come true. Now I have to focus in my other dream, marrying Finn Hudson.

We're getting married in three weeks and I can't believe this is actually happening. Everything turned out to be so right and so amazing that I'm waiting for a disaster to happen cause this is Rachel Berry's life that we're talking about, it can't be that good.

I wiped my happy tears away and smiled one last time to the crowd. Then I left the stage hugging my co-workers and I couldn't stop smiling. Wow, I will remember this forever.

I go back to the dressing room with the rest of the cast and in the middle of the crying, hugging, taking pictures, I started feeling a little sick on the stomach. I go to the bathroom discretely so no one would notice me and I puke everything I had ate. This is happening a lot lately, I'm scared. I grabbed my phone and decided to check on my cycle.

Uh oh.

I'm late!

I'm late!

It can't be or can? Of course it can!

Me and Finn have sex all the time and everywhere, when we have the chance, we are doing it. I wash my mouth with the mouthwash that there is in the bathroom and I get out like I wasn't pucking my guts out minutes ago.

"Rachel! There you are! It's time for the toast!" Jack, one of my co-workers, said and hand me a glass of champagne.

"Cheers!" Everyone shouted and toasted and take a sip of their drink and I just toasted but stare to my champagne. What if I'm pregnant? I can't drink this. I just smile and everyone is enjoying their own drink that they didn't noticed that I'm not drinking.

"Babe!" I hear the familiar voice of my fiancé and turn around and see him holding flowers and I smiled big and place my champagne glass on the table and give him a tight hug. I'm still with Fanny's costume but at least I took off that wig.

"Hey!" I said and pecked his lips.

"You looked so beautiful and these are for you, of course." He said and give me my favorite flowers and I smiled big to him.

"Thank you!" I said and kissed him passionately and he smiled.

"You were perfect as always, I'm so proud of you, my love." He said and I smiled.

"I love you." I said and he smiled.

"I loved you too." Finn said. After chatting more with my co-workers, I decided to leave with Finn.

"Babe, I'm gonna change, wait for me?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Of course." He said and I smiled and went change. When I was going to put my jeans on, the ziper didn't wanted to close. Thinking about it, lately I'm having a hard time with my clothes, many of them don't fit me anymore and I have gained a few pounds. Today my Fanny outfit was hard to fit in me. At least, I always have a backup plan and put on a skirt and a white crop top and heels.

"Okay, I'm back." I said and Finn smiled. I said goodbye to everyone and we left.

"After you." Finn said as he opened the limo's door for me and I smiled to him. I can see paparazzis away and I waved lightly and so did Finn and he entered the car after me.

"I'm so exhausted." I said and he laughed.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked and my mind immediately fly to the possibility of having an actual baby inside me.

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