28: You Get the Best of Me

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A/N: everyone hates me lol BUT I WAS NICE THIS TIME


I stormed out of the shop, really pissed at Luke. Sure, he wasn't exactly the one at fault but he was so oblivious that it was physically painful to even think about. I didn't want to stick around and watch that guy shamelessly flirt with my boyfriend.

Grumbling, I made my way home. I'd give Luke a piece of my mind later, but right now I just wanted to play a stupid video game and get over the fact that Luke's ex was clearly still hung up on him.

When I stepped inside, I found Taylor and Michael on the couch, playing video games and eating pizza. I frowned, looking at the time and seeing that it was neither lunch time nor dinner time. These two could eat pizza for any meal of the day, I swear.

I stepped into the living room, plopping myself down on one of the beanbags and crossing my arms, making a show of it so that they would notice me.

Unfortunately, that backfired on me, seeing as they were too engrossed in their game and their pizza. They didn't even acknowledge me.

I huffed loudly, and Taylor rolled her eyes, pausing the game to glare at me. "Is Mister upset?"

"I went to see Luke at work today," I huffed. "And I found him talking to Cameron."

Taylor raised an eyebrow, turning to Michael. "What am I missing?"

"Don't ask me," he shrugged, shoving another slice of pizza in his mouth.

"Um, Cameron, you mean his ex?" Taylor asked, turning back to me.

"Yeah, who else?"

"Um, why are you upset about that?"

"I'm not upset! I'm annoyed. That guy is so hung up on Luke and Luke doesn't even notice it."

"Is Luke hung up on him?"

"Wh-What? No!" I frowned. What the hell was she talking about. "Luke's with me, in case you haven't noticed, and I'm pretty sure I would notice if he was hung up on someone else."

"Then why are you getting mad?" she shrugged, unpausing the game. "Why do you care if Luke's ex is still hung up on him? It's his problem, isn't it? I mean, it's not like Luke could ever cheat on you. You get upset over the littlest things, Cal."

I frowned, trying to understand what she was telling me. Okay, yeah, maybe there was some truth to her words... But I didn't like it. I didn't like this guy, and I didn't like the fact that Luke was completely fine chatting with him like nothing was wrong.

However, as time went on, I realised that maybe that wasn't the only thing I was jealous of. Sure, yeah, I didn't want Cameron to be checking out my boyfriend, but... I don't know. Cameron and Luke had so many memories together, obviously, and I guess I was just jealous that it wasn't me. I, on the other hand, had been too busy hating him.

I sighed, biting my lip. I tried not to think about it too much, but I really was a dick to Luke for the longest time ever. I don't really know why. I didn't have a good reason, come to think of it. If only I hadn't been so stupid... Then again, I'm somewhat glad that I only started liking - loving? - Luke when I did. I feel like if I had fallen for him a few years ago, I probably would've ended up breaking his heart and not even felt bad about it.

The thought of breaking Luke's heart saddened me. Subconsciously I knew that that was the reason why I was so clingy. I didn't want to do the wrong thing and break his heart, but apparently all I could do was get him mad by being too clingy. I really wasn't good at this boyfriend stuff, was I?

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