"A little girl?" You whispered to yourself. She was still far away from you, but you paid attention to any detailed about her. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail and her eyes were a deep dark blue, a lively color yet dead and full of pain. She had bruises on her arms and a few on her legs and face but they're old. She stood up and looked at you shyly. "H-hi, I'm (Y/N). What's your name?" The girl didn't reply and looked at the floor. You looked at the door to the room and started wondering where you were. You didn't remember anything before this; it was a big blur. "My name's Karen." The girl said in a whispered. "Karen?" Your eyes widened. "The Karen Splendy was talking about?"  Karen quickly lifted her head up and her face lit up slightly. "Sp-Splendy?"

After a moment of silence, she spoke again. "He was the first person who made me laugh and smile in a long time. I met him in the playground not too far from here. He gave me flowers, balloons, we danced a little and sung. When I told him about what was happening at home, he pinky promised he would come and save me one day... that we'd be together forever. He's been coming to see me at the playground ever since." She stared at the ground. You observed her bruises again and it started to make sense. "Do...you know where we are?" You asked. The girl shifted her eyes up at you then back at the floor. "Not really. This guy that looks like Splendy told me he was his brother and that Splendy was waiting for me here but he locked me in here. He's been feeding me for the past few days, but that's about it," A few seconds later, you heard sniffling. Tears began falling from Karen's face and splash onto the floor. "I miss Splendy..."

You quickly got up and walked over to her. You squatted down to her level, grabbed her by her shoulders, and pulled her into a tight hug causing her to cry even harder. She hugged you back. "Splendy has been looking for you nonstop." You reassured her.

"Really?" She managed to ask.

"Yeah. If I'd know better, I'd say that him and our friends are looking right now." Karen pulled back from the hug and looked at you. "What about you? Aren't they looking for you too?" You looked into her eyes. Where there was once pain there was now hope. "Yeah. For both of us." She smiled weakly. Knocks at the front door startled both of you.

~Back to the others~
"Just knock, doofus!" Jeff whispered loudly to Ben from the side of the cabin. Ben gave Jeff a aggravated glare and knocked on the door. Ben slipped on the shades and waited. The door knob jiggled and the door opened. "Pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust, breadsticks and wings?" Ben said as if he was really a delivery boy. "Umm my apologies sir, but I didn't order any pizza."

"But I was told to deliver this to this address."

Sally continued with the plan and did as Jack told her to. Once she got inside she began her search, going through every room in there. Surprisingly there was a lot of rooms you could be in. After a few more minutes of looking, she heard the front door closed and finally came across the last room in the house upstairs. She phased through the wall to the closet and looked though the slats of the closet door. '(Y/N)!' Sally thought to herself. Just as she went to open the door, the door to the room flung open. Offenderman walked in. "Sorry for the delay. There was a confused pizza man outside," He told you.

'Delay? Delay for what?' You thought. Karen latched herself onto you. Offenderman reached into his coat and pulled out two roses, one red and one blue. "Pick one. If you pick red, you fall deeply in love with me. Blue, you stay single and can't date anyone else until I come back for you. Either way you're mine. Your pick, love." You stared at the roses.

Sally quickly phased through the walls to get back to the others. She finally got outside. Jane notices and approached her. "Sally! Where's (Y/N)?" Jane asked. Sally explained what she saw in there. "Oh no! There's a little girl in there too?" Splendy gasped.

"If we don't get in there now, it'll be too late." Slenderman insisted. They all broke into the front door and Sally told them which room you were being held in.  They rushed to room and interrupted just in time. "(Y/N)!" Jack shouted. Your attention went from the roses to the group standing by the door and so did Karen's. Her face lit up at the sight. "K-Karen??" Splendorman said shocked and relieved, but sad.

"Come on, baby, pick a rose." Offenderman demanded. "(Y/N), if you pick a rose, you can't go back. Don't pick one." Slenderman explained. "Why do you always have to be such a KILLJOY?!" Offenderman scolded and used his tentacles and forcefully pushed everyone out of the room. Slenderman braced himself and everyone then angrily walked back towards to room. "Oh I'm sorry, did I cross the line?" The youngest brother mocked as he put the roses back in his coat. "You crossed the line when you took (Y/N)." Slendy growled.

You felt something slithering around you and noticed that Offenderman was trying to take you with him. The same thing was happening to Karen as the two of you were being separated. You looked at the tentacles and saw that Offenderman was about to attack. "Slenderman-!" More tentacles  appeared and covered both of your mouths. The others got up and stood beside Slenderman. "So you all are gonna try to stop me?" Offenderman scanned the posse and chuckled. "I'd like to see you try." He smirked.  With that, Slendy attacked first. He swiftly assembled his tentacles and tackled Offenderman through the wall leading to the outside. The grip around you and Karen loosed causing the two of you to panic even more.

"Ben!" Jack commanded as everyone followed behind the two brothers. Ben jumped up, teleported to you, then grabbed you midair. "Karen!" You watched as she continued to fall then saw tentacles reaching up to grab her. Splendy began wrapping her up until it looked like she was in a large backpack. You began to relax after seeing she was in safe hands.

You and Ben landed and the two of you stood by a tree. "Stay here. Imma bring the girl over here too." After that was said, Ben took off to get Karen. You examine the calamity occurring before your eyes. Everyone played a part in trying to defeat Offenderman. He was just as strong as Slendy, if not stronger. Ben received Karen, placed her on his back, then teleported over back to you. "Jack wants us to leave. It's too dangerous for you two to stay here right now. I can only teleport one person at a time, so I'll have to teleport one person at a time." Ben informed you and Karen. Your adrenaline was through the roof. You didn't want to stand aside while everyone else fought, but from what you've seen they can handle it. You nodded your head. "Okay." You looked at Karen then back at Ben. "Alright, we'll be back." In a blink of an eye, they were gone.

You stood there and watched everything. You noticed Offenderman looking your way smirking. Your eyes widened and you started to panic. You wanted to run but it's like you were frozen. You thought you were far enough to be safe from any attacks, but you didn't want to test that out. You saw his hand turn into a tentacle and panicked even more. Slendy noticed too, and apparently, Sally and Jeff saw it too. "(Y/N), run!" Slendy shouted. As if his words granted you permission to move, you tried running, but in a split second there was a tentacle approaching you from behind at the speed of light. You quickly dodged it by jumping on behind the tree.

'Maybe I can try wrapping his tentacle around this tree. But how long can this-' Your thoughts were cut off after his arm tentacle grabbed you then unwrapped from around the tree. Being restrained as he did this caused you to harshly hit your head on the trunk of the tree. Jeff growled and gripped his knife harder. His speed became 3x faster than before as he ran over to Offenderman's arm and stabbed it then started to attempt to cut it off. Offenderman winced at the pain and decided to let you go causing you to crash onto the ground. "(Y/N)!" Jack shouted. At that moment Jack teleported to your side, and so did Ben not too long after, but everything was blurry and getting dark. Not only did you hit your head hard enough to get another concussion, you were losing blood. "(Y-Y/N).." Ben said shocked and upset. "Get her out of here." Jack demanded before teleporting back over to the fight.

"Hang in there, (Y/N)." Ben consoled you as he picked you up. That was the last thing you heard and saw before complete blacking out.

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