Part 2

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When I arrive home I see my angry looking father on the other side of the door with his hands on his hips waiting for me. I walk in before he starts screaming.

Charlie Swan: Why in the hell did you attack your own god damn sister for and then attack some police officers that work in my building. Are you crazy?! I could get sued and you wouldn't give a damn Kaileigh.

I look at him scoffing.

Me: you are seriously pathetic. Have you thought that maybe it is the other way round that she threw the first punch and I had to grab her hand to stop it before I kicked her ass? Yes, Charlie, I know you have always loved Bella more than me and Mom and that's fine because maybe now you can understand that it was the daughter you loved the most that killed Mom. Bella pushed Mom down the stairs and knocked her unconscious before pulling the life support machine plugs out at the hospital. But hey, You'll maybe love Bella, even more, knowing that you now have to protect her from the police and from the people out in the public that loved and adored mom just as much as I did.

He breathes out a deep breath, now fulfilling himself with anger. I now decide to walk upstairs only for him to chase after me. I slam my bedroom door shut locking it just before he reaches the door handle. I slide down the door, tears sliding down my cheeks.

Charlie Swan: Kaileigh, open this door, right now. Or I'm being serious you will regret it if you don't.

Tears fall harder.

Mom life has become so much harder and more difficult every day without you. I know you are up there with our cousins. Are you really even looking down on me right now? It doesn't feel like. Don't worry mom, I will get revenge for you. I will not let your death remain in vain. I love and miss you, Mom. Charlie has become worse since you've died and he is taking it all out on me. I need you now more than ever. I love you, goodbye.


I pull my hair.


Then I quickly get up, throwing my charger, my cigarettes and my lighter and earphones in my bag. Before, jumping out the window and just as I jump the door flings open. I then run away as fast as I can with my hood up as he is screaming my name out of the window. I don't even know where I am running, just far away from home as I can get. I plug my earphones in listening to Katy B- Katy on a mission.

I run up into the forest as high up as I can get, When I trip over a twig, falling down the other side of the mountain, my body smashing into the tree's on the way down, and I feel a few bones break and blood drip down my arms and face. I then literally drop like 60 feet. I then land in the middle of the road somewhere quiet. I see a house, a big beautiful house owned by the Cullens' I then see them all stood at the window. Alice, Rosalie, Esme, And Edward and Carlisle are stood with the mouths opened wide and Emmett looks as if I have just died and Jasper's eyes are widened. If Alice, could see into the future why didn't she see that it was me falling off of the mountain?

I manage to stand up despite the pain and I stare at them as the blood drips down me and as every bone in my body feels as if they have broken, I look at them one last time, before running away. Then all of a sudden I notice I have open flesh wounds, It's understandable why they wouldn't come near me as they don't really cope with lots of blood spurting out of somebody's body. I run another few metres before my eyesight fades and I fall out of consciousness and just before I do I see three figures surround me.

An hour later I wake up, noticing that I am in the Cullens' house in the hospital room, their house has everything. I attempt to sit up but I wince in pain and in almost no amount of time, everybody is surrounding me.

Carlisle: How are you feeling?

I look up at him.

Me: did you seriously just ask me that? I feel like I've been beaten by a baseball bat.

Alice: Just a baseball bat, are you crazy? You should feel worse than that. You fell off a mountain after smashing yourself into trees then landed 60 feet into the middle of the road and still managed to get up and run a few meters.

I laugh.

Me: I'll be alright, I think.

Jasper: Damn, must be stronger than we think.

I smile.

Then the adrenaline rush fades away and all I receive is a headache.

Carlisle: Just be aware that you broke your arm, Your leg, You've popped your shoulder out of place.

I look down to see my arm and leg wrapped in a plaster cast.

I roll my arm round and round and lift it up as high as it can go and I pop my shoulder back into place. They all look grossed out, I chuckle.

Esme: Kaileigh. If you don't mind me asking, what were you running from?

I sigh, looking down.

Me: My father, Charlie Swan, Deputy chief of police.

Everyone looks at me confused.

Emmett : Why?

I look at him and hug myself.

Me: Because he was trying to abuse me again.

Carlisle: again?

Me: yeah. He does it sometimes, I'm used to it though. He did this because I kicked Bella's ass and kicked a group of police officers ass that works with my father. He was more worried about getting sued than what I am feeling or what actually happened. Bella killed my mother pushed her down the stairs, she was unconscious there was no breathing must've broken her neck and then she unplugged the life support machine. Ha, She thought I didn't see it, thought she was going to get away with it all. But she failed badly because I beat her ass for it, then Charlie tried covering for her, they never loved my mom, but anyways, I locked myself in my room and he started kicking the door and threatening me, so I grabbed my essentials and jumped out the window.

They all look at me with sympathy on their faces.

Emmett: Your dad beats you. Bella kills your mom. Your dad covers for her. Why didn't you tell someone?

I look at him.

Me: I have no one to tell anything to Emmette. I have wanted to tell someone about it for a while now but I've had no one.

Emmett: You have us, Kaileigh. You can live with us.

Me: No, I don't want to intrude on your lives when everything has been fine without me.

Emmett: Kaileigh, you are staying here with us where you are safe.

I sigh.

Me: Are you all sure about this?

They nod and smirk. All coming over one by one giving me a hug. I finally feel safe.

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