Part 34

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It's been 2 days since I spoke to Emmett on the phone and since hearing his voice again. It's become a lot harder to stay away. I pace back and forth a few times. Mentally slapping myself for ever leaving in the first place, but I thought it was the right choice at the time.

I receive a text message.

Text messages;

Emmett: Babe. I miss you. Please can you come home, I can't stand not having you in my arms anymore. It's been a month, I need you. Nobody is talking to each other. Bella and Edward on the other hand.....Nevermind you don't need to hear about that. But. Please just come home. I need my mate, I need you.

I sigh, looking down at my phone before locking it.

I quickly pack a bag of stuff before grabbing my keys and hopping into my truck. Taking a deep unneeded breath, before racing down the road.

About 4 hours later, I pull back into Forks, Washington, I head to the treaty line figuring I'd need to see the wolves first.

I do our secret whistle and within seconds the whole pack come running. They run up to me pulling me into their arms.

Paul: we are so glad that you're okay, we've missed you Kaileigh and so has Renessme. Where have you been?

I sigh looking up at him.

Me: after the whole situation I just disappeared, at first I was camping out in the tree tops, and then I disappeared to Los Angeles. It''s been hard. Restless nights, lack of hunting. I'm exhausted.

Seth looks at me.

Jacob walks out to us, Renessme holding his hand.

When Renessme's sees me she runs straight to me jumping in my arms. I hold her close.

Renessme: where have you been? I've missed you! I'm so glad you're safe.

I chuckle softly.

Me: That doesn't matter sweetie, I'm home now.

I look at the wolves.

Me: I'm going to go and see the others. I will be back soon and we can have a camp fire or something, we'll figure it out when it comes to it.

They smile.

Jacob: renessme, are you going to see the Cullens too?

Renessme looks at him nodding her head, before giving him and the pack a hug before climbing back into my arms.

I smile at everyone before heading to my truck, and strapping Renessme in before heading.....home.

It takes about 10-15 minutes to get there, and once I do. I head into the house with Renessme in my arms.


I yell, everyone races to the top of the stairs as I head up.

I place Renessme down .

Rosalie pulls me into a hug squeezing me,

Rosalie; Kaileigh! I've missed you! I'm so glad you're home. You've got so much to tell us.

Jasper pulls me into a hug with Alice.

Jasper: we have missed you sister, welcome home.

Once everyone has given me there hugs, Renessme and I head into the kitchen as Esme begins cooking Renessme some food. Then.... Bella walks into the kitchen staring at Renessme.

Bella: where on earth do you think you've been young lady?!

I throw my head back.

Renessme: I was with Jacob and the pack considering they're my second family.

Bella glares at me.

Bella: YOU! You've put this into her head!

I turn to her.

Me; Bella, I've just got home just shut up for 5 freaking minutes. I'm not getting involved anymore.

Everyone turns to me.

Edward: what do you mean you're not getting involved anymore?

I scoff.

Me: I'm done getting involved in these petty little fights and trying to fix and save this family all the time, when you and Bella only seem to care about yourselves. So do what you like because I'm over it.

I stand up walking to esme giving her a hug.

Me: Now I'm going to shower and watch a movie. Have a wonderful freaking day.

I turn my back to everyone and head upstairs opening the door to Emmett's destruction he caused in our room.
I ignore all the holes in the walls and the pieces of wood thrown everywhere. I grab my towel and some comfy clothes and head into the shower.

I spent about half an hour in the shower and once I'm finished getting dressed. I exit the bathroom to see that the bedroom is clean and that the holes in the walls have been plastered over and everything is fixed like it was never broken. I look around as I see Emmett sat on the end of his bed. Reading a book as I see beautiful flowers in a vase, 4 blood bags and a set of movies laid out on the bed I smile to myself softly.
I head over to my bag grabbing my hair dryer and sit on the floor drying my hair in front of the mirror.

I feel Emmett's presence behind me.

Emmett; can I?

I slowly hand him the hair dryer and the hair brush as he pulls a chair up behind me. 5 minutes into drying my long thick hair. I've realised how much I've missed this. How much I've missed him always offering to help dry my hair and and all the little wonderful things he does.
I lean back into him as he continues drying my hair. 

Once it's dry we just sit there a while staring at each other's reflection in the mirror. I slowly stand up as Emmett does. He looks into my eyes as I just wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me into a hug.

Emmett kisses my head. Breathing in my scent. As I breath in his scent. I've missed being in his arms.

We stay like this for a few moments.
I climb into bed as Emmett joins me turning on the pirates of the Caribbean.
He pulls me into him wrapping his arms around me as we tangle our legs together, resting my head against his chest and my arm around his stomach pulling the blanket over my shoulders.
He kisses my head playing with my hair every now and then during the movie.

Rosalie's pov:

Me: I'm so glad that Kaileigh is home where she belongs.

I say as I sit beside Esme and Carlisle, as Bella and Edward sit on the other couch next to Alice and Jasper.

Bella: I'm not.....but I guess I'll have to get used to it.

I glare at her.

Jasper: Bella, kaileigh is the glue that holds this family together. She's always been apart of this family even before we knew her even after Alice had her vision of Emmett meeting Kaileigh. You may have managed to force her to leave for a month but I can promise you, it won't be happening again. Because if you do anything to jeopardise her and this family again. You and Edward will have to find a place of your own.

Alice rubs his arm soothingly.

Carlisle nods in agreement.

Carlisle: sometimes I just wish things could be easier, sometimes I wish that the situation that happened between you and Kaileigh never happened because Kaileigh would still have her mother. But....we probably wouldn't have met her. If you guys didn't have that fight at school. But we are glad we have her now.

I nod. Bella shifts uncomfortably, grabbing Edwards hand and leaving the house.

We all sigh in relief, and content knowing Kaileigh is back where she belongs.

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