"Maybe... That same part of me kind of wanted that Laxus would be the one to make this decision of what we should do. When Laxus is happy, I know I will be happy. My life is devoted for Laxus, from the moment we became friends. I only want what is best for Laxus."

"And Felix", Mirajane smiled and Freed actually chuckled slightly.

"That goes without saying", he nodded. "We are both devoted to make sure Felix will be happy and will grow up to be a fine man."

"Of course. And I'm sure Laxus wants what's best for you as well", Mirajane smiled. "He knows how you would do anything for him so I'm guessing that's the reason he wants you to decide. So you can do what you want. This time you're the one making a big decision that affects both yours and Laxus' life all by yourself... And it actually terrifies you, doesn't it?" she asked understandingly and Freed had to nod silently. "It will be alright", Mirajane smiled. "Don't worry, Freed. We're all here to support you."

"I know", the rune mage said and he patted Mirajane's hand. "Thank you, Mira."

"Do you want me to go yell at Laxus?" Mirajane smirked and Freed laughed.

"No, please don't do that", he said amused and Mirajane smiled happily, finally letting go of him. "Thank you for listening."

"Anytime", the white haired mage assured. "Instead of staying here inside the guild house, why don't you all go outside? You, Laxus, Felix, maybe ask Bickslow and Evergreen too? Go do some training together, camp out together, teach Felix and Chester what they need to know about camping out, just have fun!"

"I was actually planning to study how to nullify the rest of the spells in the book Yuidose is after", Freed chuckled.

"Oh come on! You can't just work and Laxus needs a break as well, we know he can't continue like this for long. I can take care of the paperwork with Erza, you guys just go out and have some fun."

Freed sipped his tea while Mirajane went to take care of other orders and he thought about it. It might be fun... And with Felix, Bickslow, Evergreen and Chester there, they wouldn't be able to accidentally end up doing something they shouldn't.

He sat there and thought about it more, when suddenly he heard steps that were all too familiar that he could mistake who was approaching. He stayed silent, just drinking his tea and soon a larger mage sat down beside him.

Just like they always did. Yet still everything was different.

"Yo", Laxus said leaning against his hand, but not looking at Freed. They had been so focused on their work and since they were sleeping in different rooms it felt like he hadn't even seen Freed in few days.

"Hello, Laxus", Freed said with a small smile. "I hope you're doing fine."

"Like fucking hell that's possible", Laxus grunted annoyed. "How have you been?"

"I can't say I'm feeling any better. Did Felix bring you the breakfast we made?"

"Yeah, sorry for leaving so early, I just thought it might be the best. Thanks for making some food, though."

"Of course", Freed smiled. "I'll always make food for you as long as you want to eat it."

"Yeah", Laxus said, finally relaxing a bit and he smiled. "Mira, give me some coffee."

"Such a nice way to ask something", Mirajane chuckled, happy to see their Master in the Hall as well.

"I know, and make it quick."

"Don't be rude", Freed scolded and Laxus sighed rolling his eyes.

"Please?" he growled to Mira who laughed amused.

"I'll make it as soon as I can", she smiled.

There was a small silence again, when Freed finally turned more towards Laxus.

"What would you think about camping out for maybe a day or two?" he said and the blond man was surprised.

"Camping out? Together?" he asked.

"We should ask Bicks and Ever join us. We both need a little break from work and we should do something else. We could finally start teaching Felix more about camping, how to find wood, start a fire, find a place where to stay, things like that. I'm sure Chester would like to join too."

"That's not a bad idea", Laxus said while thinking about it, taking a cup Mirajane brought over.

"You could do some training together", she smiled.

"Yeah. Okay, let's do that. I'll go find Bicks and ask him", Laxus said gulping down his coffee down with one go and he stood up.

"I'll find Ever and then go home with Felix and pack our bags", Freed smiled leaving the empty teacup on the counter.

Mirajane looked how they walked away and once they were gone, she opened a cabinet. There was a big sheet of paper inside it, full of markings of who was betting what. Mirajane smiled and she crossed over her previous sum and instead put in a higher amount of jewels. There were lots of questions, like would Freed end up pregnant or not? Who would be the first one to surrender for the instincts? Could they actually stay strong and not do a thing?

Mirajane chuckled closing the cabinet. Most of their guildmates were actually almost sure that nothing would happen because they knew how stubborn both Laxus and Freed could be when they decided something. She was of course betting that they would end up having another kid.

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