Chapter 10 - A Little Crazy.

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Your curiosity definitely did not outweigh your caution. Not wanting to be involved in any sort of scuffle, you tucked your hands in your pockets and hurried home, holding the switchblade tightly. Arthur wasn't here to walk you home tonight.

Your back stiffened.


You walked so quickly that night that you hadn't even noticed that you were already at your apartment. You were nervous as you stepped inside the building, worried that you would run into him. Cautiously, you looked side to side as you approached your mailbox...

Coast is clear.

You would have to speak to him eventually. You knew that. But God, it was going to be incredibly awkward.

You sucked your teeth, shaking your head as you stepped in the elevator. That was no way to think about the situation. You were an adult now, and adults have open conversations discussing their emotions. Avoiding him would be immature and childish.

I'll just call him when I get inside. I'll call him, and we can talk about things. He probably understands. He probably wants to talk right now too.

You stepped out of the elevator, looking down at your jacket pocket and rummaging through it for your keys.

He's probably thinking the same thing right now. We'll just sit down with some tea and lay it all out on the table. I don't even know why I'm freaking out. By tomorrow, everything will be back to normal-


You dropped your keys on the floor, startled by what you had found.

A beaten, bloody, disheveled Arthur was there, his head pressed against your door. His breathing was slow and strained, his eyes focused on the floor beneath him. He didn't look up at your exclamation. He didn't even flinch.

You snatched your keys off the ground, rushing to his side.

"Arthur. Arthur are you alright? What happened?"

He didn't respond. You looked at his clothes - They were filthy. His entire outfit was covered with dirt, ripped and torn in different spots. His wig was gone, his clown makeup slightly smeared and red spots spattered on his vest.

Why would Arthur's own blood be spattered on him?

"Arthur? Can you hear me?"

Your lips pressed tightly against his.
He closed his eyes, letting himself become lost in your embrace.
You pulled away suddenly, looking up at him with tears in your eyes.
"Oh, my poor Arthur..."
Your soft hand cupped his cheek. He placed his hand over yours, sighing with relief that you were finally home.
He needed you so badly.
"I didn't mean what I said earlier, I want you Arthur. I was just so scared of my own feelings that I didn't know what to say. I'm so sorry, I-"
Arthur shushed you, smiling as he placed a small kiss on your forehead.
"There's no need to apologize."

You placed your hand on his back, looking up at his face. Still no response.

Your palms were trembling with anxiety as you opened your apartment entrance. What was wrong with him? Why wasn't he speaking? You didn't know what to do, you had never been in a situation like this before. You were panicking. What if Arthur was really hurt? Was he about to die? Was he going to die with you as the only witness to his death? Would it look like you murdered Arthur? Would you go to jail? Was he going to be okay?

You looked him up and down again. He wasn't bleeding from anywhere besides his nose, and there were no bullet or stab wounds on him. Thank God.

But what if nothing happened to him?
What if he did something?
Why was there blood spattered on him?
It didn't make any sense if it was his blood...

Unless it wasn't his.

You ran to the bathroom, tearing apart the contents of your sink's cabinet. You took the first-aid kit into your shaking hands, practically hyperventilating by the time you reached Arthur again.

"Arthur, I'm gonna take you inside and we're gonna call the police, okay? You need to go to a hospital-"


He raised his head, but his eyes still didn't reach yours. They remained on the ground, locked on to something that wasn't there.

You were stunned.

"Are... Are you sure? At least let me take care of this..."

You took an alcohol swab from the kit, trying to steady your hand as you reached for a red lump on his cheek.

He put his hand up before you could touch his face, calmly pushing your hand to the side.

"Can I sleep here tonight?"

You were completely bewildered by his behavior. What exactly happened to him?

"Uh... Yeah. Yeah, of course."

Arthur sighed, nodding in thanks. You stepped to the side as he walked in, watching as he collapsed on your sofa. Your eyes never left him. You took off your shoes and coat, your fingers carefully sliding the knife out of your coat pocket and holding it behind you.

You stepped into your bathroom, trying to calm yourself down as you changed into your pajamas. Something was wrong with Arthur. Very wrong. He wasn't behaving like himself at all. Whatever happened, you knew you weren't going to find out tonight. You took a deep breath. There was no point in worrying about it now. The important thing was that Arthur was safe.

But were you?

You slowly opened your bathroom door, the blade hidden in the waistband of your sweatpants. You looked at the run-down clown on your couch. He was curled up into a fetal position, his back facing you.

You quietly backed away from him, your gaze trained on his rising and falling ribcage as you slid into your bed.

"I would be careful with that guy if I was you. What if he's a little... you know. Crazy."

Lucy's words rang in your mind. You clutched the blade tightly in your grip, holding it closely to your chest.

"What, Arthur? No, he's a little weird but he's harmless."

You hoped you were right.

If You Just Listened // Arthur Fleck x Reader // SLOWBURNDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora