Christmas with The Boyz

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How you'd spend Christmas with these kiddos. 


*lots of warm hugs and cuddles* 

*plays with your hair while watching Christmas movies together* 

*surprises you with the best present and the sweetest handmade card ever* 

"Y/N... I got something for you. You mentioned wanted this before, and, well, here you go. I hope you like it. I made a card too. I hope this is okay." 

*you give him the biggest hug* 

"This is perfect. You're the best." 


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*he comes up with a list of activities for you guys to do. First, presents. You open yours and it's exactly what you wanted but you didn't think you'd get it... you didn't even put it on your list. You think that your present isn't good enough - but he adores it especially because it's from you. Then, you guys go spend the day helping the cats and dogs at your local animal shelter - because Christmas really is all about giving* 

"Jacob, look at this puppy... he's so cute! I think he likes me." 

"Of course he does. Who wouldn't?"

 Who wouldn't?"

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*he prepares a romantic evening for the two of you, full of presents and chocolates and watching cute Christmas movies all night. Eventually, you fall asleep on his shoulder while watching your fifth movie that evening. He takes a blanket and covers you, getting up quietly. He takes his last present for you, a beautiful necklace, in a gold box wrapped in red paper with a green bow... and puts it on the desk in your room. Then he carries you into your room and tucks you in bed. He can't wait for you to see the present the next morning*

 He can't wait for you to see the present the next morning*

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