Chapter 2: The New Kids

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Zelda ran down the stairs the next morning at a decent time for once. Her father was passed out in the recliner and she rolled her eyes.

"Pathetic.." She whispered as she grabbed her book bag.

She arrived at school and her two friends awaited her arrival at the steps of the school.

"Leon is there something special today? Because Zelda's actually on time!" Adlez said with a smirk.

Leon chuckled at him as Zelda punched the violet haired man's arm.

"Shut it, Adlez." She said with a quick eye roll.

They entered the school together and stopped at their lockers that were all by each other.

"Let's hope you can be spared an encounter with Nani and Cuan, hmm?" Leon said as he nudged her lightly.

"I hope so." She said.

Zelda stared at her friends until two unfamiliar faces walked through the doors. It was a young man and woman. The females eyes were a beautiful shade of amber, her hair a moonlit silver. She was very petite, much smaller than the somewhat towering man beside her. His eyes were a deep forest green, his hair an almost black brown. They were both beautiful people but seemed so mysterious.

"Hey look, new kids." She said quickly as they walked by them.

"They're kinda strange lookin'" Adlez said with a light chuckle.

"Oh be quiet Adlez, we aren't ones to be able to judge. I mean, look at your hair!" Leon said with a smirk.

This silenced the young man quickly. Zelda looked at the time, they needed to get to class.

"I'll see you guys in math." They nodded as they all went their separate ways.

Once Zelda entered her history class, she froze slightly once she realized the new girl was sitting in the once vacant seat beside hers. Timidly she took her seat beside her and gave her a small smile.

"Hello! My names Arcelina, but you can call me Arcena." She said with a happy grin.

Zelda couldn't help but smile, ".. And I'm Zelda."

"Would you be able to help me find my classes today? No one has offered to help yet so I suppose I just have to ask." Arcena gave her a pleading look.

"Of course I can." She was happy to help her, maybe she could make another friend.

The teacher talked for his allotted 45 minutes and then the bell rang. Arcena and Zelda exited the room together. Nani and Cuan paid no attention to her because she was with a new person. She could get used to this. They arrived at her locker and Leon and Adlez were waiting for her there. The pair gave her a strange look as they saw who she was walking with.

"Hey guys, meet Arcena. I'm going to help her get to her classes and such." Zelda said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." Leon said with a nod.

"Welcome aboard Miss." Adlez said with a smirk.

Suddenly the towering man from before approached their group.

"Oh, and this is my boyfriend, Alistair." Arcena's face lit up when she said his name.

His expression was hard to read. Zelda couldn't tell if he was just a bland person or if he was angry.

"It's nice to meet you all." Alistair said quietly.

They all nodded at him as a greeting.

"Alistair and I have math next, could you show us where it is?"

"That's actually what we all have right now." Zelda said with a grin.

Arcena handed Zelda her schedule, "here's this if it helps at all."

The young woman gasped slightly as she looked at the piece of paper. Every single one of her classes were the same as Zeldas.

"W-Well, you have every class with me"

"Really? Wonderful!" Arcena said with a grin as she looped her arm in Zeldas.

Leon and Adlez gave their friend a strange look as the two girls started toward the math room. They all took their usual seats. Arcena and Alistair took the table behind Leon and Zelda.
Zelda looked over at her friend who had a small smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?"

"You actually look happy today, it's a nice thing to see." He said timidly.

Zelda opened her mouth to speak but couldn't think of anything to say. Today really was a decent day. She gave him a small smile and he moved a hand to her back and rubbed it gently. Leon was always extra nice to her. It cause her to always wondered if it was because he liked more than just a friend but she didn't want to cloud her thoughts with such things.

Finally it was lunch time and the group took their usual table in the corner.

"Ah, food. The best part of any day." Adlez said as he began stuffing his face.

Adlez was always the one who was good for laughs throughout the day. Zelda wasn't sure if she'd ever really seen him in a serious mindset. As lunch came to its halfway point they all had finished their lunch and disposed of their trays.

"So, where you guys from?" Adlez asked.

The pair looked at each other. They seemed almost unsure about what to say.

"We're from Lanayru." The amber eyed girl said quickly.

"Wow, that's far." Leon said in shock.

"Yeah, we had some troubles there. So we decided to move." Alistair said.

Arcena shot him a quick looked and then looked back to them. "N-not the bad kind of trouble though."

The three of them looked at each other with a confused face.

Adlez shrugged his shoulders, "Works for me!"

Suddenly Zelda felt a presence behind her. She knew exactly who it had to be. The young woman could see the wide eyed looks on her friends face.

"Nani, don't you dare." Leon growled. His eyes now showing an angry glare.

Nani giggled lightly and Zelda looked up just as the maroon haired woman was tipping a tray full of food onto her head.

"No!" Arcena yelled as the food and Nani included were throw back.

Suddenly the schools mystery man, Sheik, ran to Nani's side and quickly helped her to her feet. He was always so quiet when it came to anyone besides Nani. Zelda actually found it kind of sweet. Link and Cuan stared in shock from a distance.

All the eyes were now on Arcena who had a horrified look on her face. Alistair wrapped his arms around her and then looked at the woman who was now on the ground with food splashed all over her.

"It's okay Arcena, it was an accident.." He purred lightly.

"Wh-What in the Goddesses name was that!?" Leon said with a wide eyed stare.

"Awesome!" Adlez cheered as his fists shot up in the air.

"I-" Arcena started but couldn't think of what to say.

Zelda's mind was running wild. She met a new girl who seemed like the sweetest thing, but she has some sort of power. Does that even exist? Is this a dream?

What the hell.

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