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Wonho started his own gym. He has two goals. One is to help his lover loose all of their extra and unhealthy weight. The other is to help someone with their eating disorder.


"Are you guys ready?" Jackson hollered, hand on the door.

"No!" Mark yelled from the bathroom. Jinyoung yelled the same thing, from the bedroom.

"You two have been spending way too much time getting ready! Get out! We're going to be late!"

Jinyoung absolutely couldn't get out with his hair like this. His first REAL chance to show Mark his good side. A chance for a new beginning, to forget the past and begin anew as possibly friends. Jinyoung wanted to look presentable, someone worthy of a second chance. Mark was worrying about the exact same thing. Instead of his hair he was worried about his tie. Why did they have to be so hard?

Jackson burst into the bathroom, "Why are you taking so long?!"

Mark gulped, "I can't tie the tie."

Jackson groaned, tying the tie, and bursting into the bedroom, "What are you doing?"

Mark looked into the room, watching as Jackson stomped in, slapped a hat on Jinyoung's head, and dragged him to the door. Mark shut off all the lights and rushed outside. They were race walking down the sidewalks. Jackson in front, since he was the most stressed. Mark and Jinyoung ended up walking beside each other.

Jinyoung coughed, "You look nice."

This is your chance to start anew. "You do too."

Jinyoung fixed his hat, "It would've looked better if I had enough time to do my hair."

Mark smiled at the sidewalk, their second real conversation was underway, "The hat still looks nice. It goes with your outfit."

"Your tie is really nice. I like that knot you used."

Mark touched his tie shyly, "Jackson tied it for me. I actually don't know how to tie ties."

Jinyoung made a bold move, "I could teach you, if you want."

Mark paused, Jinyoung was offering to do something together besides hating each other, "Sure. I would like that."

Jackson looked over his shoulder at them, "You two look really cute, but could you hurry up?" Jinyoung started walking faster, and Mark tried to keep up. Jackson entered the restraunt first, Youngjae and JB were already inside, in the waiting area.

"About time you two showed up." Youngjae said jokingly, shaking Jackson's hand quickly. He then pulled Jinyoung into a hug. Both smiling and catching up. JB greeted Jackson and Mark, letting the two best friends gossip together for a little bit. The waitress came by, and took them to their seat. Each couple, or relationship, together on one side of the table. Jinyoung sat in the middle.

Youngjae turned to Mark, "Mark, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for agreeing with Jinyoung about Jackson."

Mark pulled his hand away after shaking it with Youngjae, "I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

Youngjae kept smiling, "Your sharing your boyfriend with someone else. Thanks for agreeing to do that."

Jinyoung wiggled a little in his seat, "Actually, that's not what's going on anymore?" He got confused looks from the couple across from him. Jinyoung glanced at Mark and placed a hand on his shoulder, "All three of us are dating each other."

Youngjae stared at Mark, "So you two are boyfriends with each other?" JB broke into a coughing fit. Youngjae handed him some water and rubbed his back soothingly. Mark gave a quiet 'yeah', deciding to look at his menu. Jackson, who had been silently watching the exchange with a smile, also looked at his menu.

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