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I don't write this story in order and it low key annoys me. I have chapters in the 20s done but not the next one.

"You look nice." Jackson complimented Mark, leaning against a limo.

Mark examined the limo, "Thanks, are we going in that?!"

"Yup, you sure you have everything for today?" Jackson opened the door, like a true gentle man.

"I do," Mark ducked his head to enter and scooted down the seat, "It's so nice in here. The last time I was inside a limo I was going to prom."

"Well now you're going on a date with the all amazing Jackson!" Jackson opened the window that lead to the driver, telling him where to go.

"So what do we do until we get to the restaurant!" Mark decided to relax into the limo seats.

"Let's play seduce me!"

"What's that?"

"You can only say three words, and you have to get me interested in you. Try it!"

"Netflix and chill."

"Aw c'mon! Be more creative than that! Let me show you, free unlimited data."

Mark nodded, "That would indeed get my attention. I think I got it now, let me try again. Um... free concert tickets."

"Dang that's good. How about... I love reading."

"That's a good one. Um, it's on me."

Mark and Jackson continued their ride throwing around their pick up lines. They laughed and joked at what they came up with, sometimes wrecking that certain words weren't allowed. They had a great ride.

"We have arrived." The chauffeur opened the door, bowing slightly to the two men.

"Thanks man," Jackson fist pumped the man, "I really appreciate all that you do for us."

The man smiled and bowed, "When it's you I would come even without the extra pay."

Jackson laughed, "Always such a humble man, try being arrogant for a while, just for a change of pace." They walked apart from each other, smiling.

Mark watched as the Limo drove away, "You're really friendly with him."

Jackson nodded with a spark in his eyes, "I always want to thank those who are around me. Well, shall we get our date started?"

"Yes, let's." Jackson led the way to the cruise. Yes, cruise. The two had agreed that they wanted to go over the top and do something fun. Something that isn't exactly romantic but rather playful. A date that starts conversation not makes it seem like they're looking for partners.

In some cultures a boyfriend is a future husband. Dating is to see how reliable they would be as a husband, and a father. While the two were discussing they agreed that this wasn't a mentality they wanted to have throughout their relationship. They wanted to bond without a title, see what happens as they're together. And decide what to do as the time they spent together drew on.

"I had to ask Ha Yang about good cruise companies. She was so annoying about it, going into a bunch of useless details. But I hope you like it." Jackson rambled on as they boarded the mini cruise boat. The captain was there with a smile, shaking both of their hands.

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