"'Cause I was hoping you'd have a lead on the 'cons that busted into the Kauai Naval Observatory. The place looked like it was hit by an army of wrecking balls,"

"Why would 'Cons break into an observatory?" Arcee questioned

"Does the Hoit-Nikogosian ring any bells?"

"The Space Telescope." I noted causing all eyes to turn towards me "It's common knowledge...I didn't hack!"

"As of last night, missing its primary lens,"

"It's difficult to guess Starscream's intent without knowing where the lens has been taken," Optimus explained

"Good thing the lens has a tracking device," I smirked causing Ratchet to glance over causing me to blush "also...common knowledge?"

Fowler revealed the location on-screen.

"The Arctic?" Arcee voiced "Great. Another chance to freeze our spark plugs off,"

Bulkhead whistled "That's an ND-7 class. Biggest unminable Energon deposit there is,"

"Unminable until Starscream melts his way down to it," I scoffed as I crossed my arms "with the help of the lens,"

"Melting a glacier that size would cause sea levels to rise and demolish coastal cities," Agent Fowler claimed


"So, I blow past the finish line," Rafael recalled as he sat next to Bumblebee's power downed form. "Then my other sister Pilar asked how I got so good at racing games. And I told her I know a guy who knows cars,"

"Rafael, I'm afraid Bumblebee can't hear you in power-down mode,"

I hit Ratchet's ped as I walked over to Rafael and sat down next to him "Let him talk," I looked at Raf "It's getting late. Why don't I drive you home to your family?"

"Because I told Bee I'd stay. He is family, too," Rafael stated

"Don't be ridiculous. You're not even the same species,"

I crossed my arms " That's being related. It's not the same thing. You and I aren't the same species, and I consider you and the other bots as family,"

Ratchet sighed and went over to his computer.

"Look..." Rafael pulled out his phone and I looked at a picture of his family. "This is my family,"

My heart panged a bit as I looked at the picture, my mind wanting to find memories of the same...only to come up with more tests done by Sector 7. I felt a shift in my mind and came across the memory of how Lennox and I met, along with Skids and Mudflap doing pranks while running from Ratchet's wrenches. I looked over at Ratchet as he glanced over at me slightly, I nodded my thanks.

"Sometimes I can shout and no one hears me." Rafael explained "But Bumblebee always listens. And I can understand him. I'm not sure why, but I do,"

"Pixel, I'm going to the supply vault to see if I can find parts to repair this." Ratchet reported "You know what that means?"

"No boys at the base," I teased with a smirk as I winked at Rafael.

Ratchet shook his helm as he walked off.

"Wait till you see this new laptop I'm saving up for, Pixel." Rafael said but I wasn't paying attention as I was looking up at Bumblebee "Pixel?"

I pushed Rafael out of the way as Bumblebee stepped down from where he was resting.

"Bumblebee, wait!" Rafael called out as he quickly took off after the young scout.

"Raf!" I exclaimed as I followed after to ensure the boy didn't get hurt.

Child of the Allspark (Transformers Prime)Where stories live. Discover now