The Stones that start the Avalanche

Start from the beginning

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Blaze had made a campfire and Cream and Charmy were trying to roast marshmallows with Omega and Big which made for a comical scene for those watching. Rouge was getting a little fed up with her Team Dark teammates who found some way to take her wine from her and steer her away from any eggy foods. Tails was rocking a very sleepy Rosemary in his arms as Zooey was chatting away to Vanilla whereas Amy, on the other hand, was looking around for her significant other and caught sight of him walking off through the trees.

She sighed.

Sonic had tried so hard to ignore the news on Eggman, tried so hard to turn his back on getting involved, but Amy knew that there was no way the supersonic hedgehog could afford to be too ignorant. She knew Shadow had visited him recently and that something had been discussed that Sonic didn't like.

Thinking on her feet, Amy snatched up a cooling chili dog and hurried after him, following his path until she reached the other side of a copse of trees which lead right to the shore. Sonic was standing on the cliff, staring out to sea and up at the blue and pink sky.

"Nice colours, eh, Amy?" he smiled, sensing her presence. He had learnt to identify each of his friends by their footfall and their scent. It was his closest friends that he could identify best of all. Amy held out the chili dog like a peace offering as she walked towards him.

"Figured you might like something edible to chew on along with your thoughts," she said, hanging over the food and watching her boyfriend devour the whole thing.

He sighed in satisfaction and nodded. "You're right, that was good."

Amy stood next to him for a moment, not saying anything, simply staring at his strong profile in the glow of the sunset. It was all so very romantic, the child inside her said.

 "Are you thinking about Eggman?" she chanced to ask.

To her surprise, Sonic's smile grew. 

"Now why would I want to think about that idiot on an evening like this?" he chuckled and shook his head, "Nah, I'm thinking about telling you something... but I don't know how."

"Tell me what?" Amy asked, her brow creasing slightly, "Something good?"

"I would like to think it's good."

The pink hedgehog curled her hands around Sonic's arm, holding it gently as he gazed up adoringly into his face.

 "Then tell me," she murmured, hanging on to his every word.

Sonic continued to gaze out to sea, a faraway glaze in his eyes.

"You know," he finally began to say in a soft voice, "I remember a time when it was just Tails and I living out in the wild. I actually believed that it was just going to be him and me forever."

"You wouldn't have minded that."

"Maybe not. But just seeing all the guys tonight... I guess it's made me realise how far we've come. A younger me wouldn't have believed that I would be making friends with a robot or a cat princess from another dimension or... or a hedgehog from the future, for crying out loud." 

Amy closed her eyes and leant her head on his shoulder, inhaling a lungful of his scent, a smell that comforted her and Tails equally.

"That goes to show you're special," she sighed, "You attract special people."

"Or very desperate people."

"Calling me 'desperate'?"

"No," Sonic teased, looking down at her and flashing a cheeky grin, "I think I'd call you 'determined'."

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