MC: I'm getting nervous...

YOOSUNG: Me too....

YOOSUNG: It must be a real emergency right now...

YOOSUNG: Seriously;;

YOOSUNG: He didn't explain a thing,

YOOSUNG: but just made us nervous;;;

Even though deep down you felt like Yoosung, you couldn't let him accuse seven, when he is doing everything he can to come to the apartment and protect you.

MC: I think he doesn't have any other choice right now. I should just listen to him and wait.

YOOSUNG: You really do trust him.

YOOSUNG: I'm a bit nervous...

YOOSUNG: but I'll do whatever i can for the members.


You tried to make yourself busy so you won't have a full blown panic attack over the impossible situation happening.

Yoosung texted you that he did what seven said and tried to comfort you before running to help his mother. In times like these the guilt over the heartbreak you caused him crept back in.

Its over now, it wasn't real, what's happening now is.

You breathed in and out slowly, and after grounding, you went back to tidying up the place. This was the only thing you could think about that you could stay in the apartment and stop thinking.

It did help, because 2 hours went by and you haven't noticed until the messenger notified you another chatroom opened.

Seven was in it.

707: MC...!

MC: Seven! Are you on your way?

707: Yes.

707: I logged in because I thought you'd be nervous.

707: Nothing happened, right?

Even when he probably has more than enough reasons to be worried himself, he still first worries about you, and it warmed your heart.

MC: No... I'm fine ^^

707: Thank god...

707: As I told you before,

707: you can't move from the apartment.

707: I'm on my way to you right now.

Jaehee Kang has entered the chatroom.

JAEHEE: Luciel!

JAEHEE: Yoosung told me.

707: Jaehee.

707: have you talked to Jumin yet?

JAEHEE: He's in a meeting in the middle east right now so he's not taking his calls.

JAEHEE: I've left him a message so he will call me as soon as he is done.

707: Alright. I'm driving right now,

707: so I'll come back when I arrive.

707 has left the chatroom.

JAEHEE: I was writing Luciel, are you okay? ... but he just left...

MC: This is really nerve-racking... but I'm a bit happy that he's coming to protect me.

JAEHEE: I'm sure you feel that way...

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