Chisaki Kai X Reader: Never Liked It.

Start from the beginning

No, no... you are not talking through your experiences... when we're talking about your hatred for quirks, it only happens whenever you have to fight off an enemy with a quirk you find bothersome. No personal grudges.

Okay, maybe there is this one time when you got hit by a quirk that seemed to nullify your ability to balance, forcing you to spend the rest of the day waddling and tripping every single second like a high drunkard. The fact that you had errands on that day made it worse, especially when you fell face-flat on the ground in front of Overhaul! That was embarrassing, but that was just one time and it was in the past...

And maybe this other time when you had clearly gotten too close to an irritated Chronostasis at a wrong time, and well... poor you had to stay an hour stuck in slow motion. The man was quite apologetic, though, after he had cooled down.

...And this other time when your enemy had unexpectedly hit Nemoto with his quirk that lowers its target's guard all the way down and well... be an energetic bean.

Mind you, you had a mission with him that lasts for a week or so during that time, and you were quite far from the base. You had to take care of Nemoto while he laughed nonstop and tried to escape in order to be "one with the birds and wind", as he would say. It was ridiculous and funny, but you wouldn't want to relive the experience ever again. Seeing Nemoto like that was... scary.

Alright, alright... maybe you do have some personal grudges against quirks, but can you help it? Those were some pretty good reasons...

Perhaps that is why you never liked quirks....

And that includes now...

You see, while browsing through a book that has been read thoroughly for countless times already (you were bored, and there wasn't anything you could do to kill time), you were suddenly called to Overhaul's office. Not wanting to make the boss wait and having to put your life in danger in doing so, you soon found yourself in front of Overhaul's room in a few minutes you were called. You knocked, as any other logical person should be doing, and waited for his response.

And his response.... wasn't something you had anticipated.

"Do not come in first. Stand by the door for the time being and listen to whatever I may have to say."

His voice was muffled, but his tone and threat did not go unheard. You were confused, of course. You didn't expect the capo to just... not let you in. After all, isn't that what a person would normally do if they call for someone? Why would he tell you not to come in? Why wouldn't he let this conversation be taken inside of the room?

"Sir, may I ask for a clarification?"

No, he didn't give you any at all. He simply said that so long as you promise to keep it between you and him, he will eventually tell you the reason why you were summoned in the first place.

Promise? What promise? Between you and the boss? What did you do to have this sort of privilege? You have his words that he will eventually explain the situation, but that only brewed up even more questions! You were beyond confused and without a doubt scared.

What is it that made Overhaul uncertain to show you? Whatever it is, it is enough to make Overhaul this... worried and uncertain.

Boy, you wouldn't be surprised if he called you here just for you to get rid of the said problem.

When he asked for your confirmation, your answer, of course, was yes. You would be considered as a maniac if you refused to comply. You never know if death by Overhaul's quirk would be painful or not; and if it is the former, would it be a quick one, or would you have to experience the most unimaginable pain ever? Well, you weren't planning to find out soon.

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