Yagi Toshinori X Reader: Secret.

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Requested by: JustMeWoo

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Please excuse me for changing some stuff. All Might is believed to be in his forty's or fifty's. If the reader were to have a crush on him during elementary school, it would be quite inappropriate.

The reader will be in high school, and All Might would be in his early thirty's.


"Good morning, Mr. Yagi! It's pleased to meet you again! Do you need some help?" You asked as you ran towards a man who just so happened to spill his groceries (due to his ripped paper bag) in front of your school. Many students walked past him, but never lend a hand to him. And so, being the nice girl you are, you went over to help him.

"Hello, (L/n)! Great to see you in a good mood! I don't need help, but thank you for the offer!" Even if he had declined your kind offer, you helped him either way. As you handed the canned goods to him, he smiled in gratitude. "Thank you! You didn't have to though!"

"You're welcome!" You smiled as the familiar red hue began to appear on your cheeks. Your feelings hit you once again. Though you weren't in an appropriate age (you're nearly eighteen, but you're still not legally an adult) to fall in love with a man like Yagi Toshinori, you couldn't help but to be a rebel like any other high school girls. He isn't like any other. He is so kind and friendly, and although not many people find him attractive (seeing that he is basically a skeleton), you yourself do. If you could just look past his appearance, he's actually a kind man. Could you honestly blame yourself from falling in love with him?

He may look like your typical grumpy, old man who tends to scold you for trespassing his property, but he's fun to hang out with. In fact, the way he acts makes you wonder why he hasn't become a hero yet. All his characteristics are similar to a hero. He acts like a perfect hero would act. People from all over the world would love him! Perhaps they won't judge his appearance anymore if he does become a hero.

However, the way he is just seems perfect to you. You believe that you won't have time to be around him should he really become a hero. It would be better if you accept the way reality is for now. It wasn't all too bad. You get to talk to him after all, right?

"Ahh...looks like I have to carry everything without a bag..." Yagi murmured as he take a good look at his bought items. It would be much more convenient to use his quirk, but he shouldn't really abuse it. Plus, you were here. He shouldn't just reveal it to you. He preferred to be known as a quirkless neighbor.

"Oh, don't worry! I have an idea. Here!" Immediately, you searched through your pocket to find your handkerchief. Yagi noticed what you were doing, and immediately tried to decline.

"Oh, no. I can't--"

"Don't sweat it, Mr. Yagi! This is nothing! Just return it the next time you see me!" You smiled. Your handkerchief was rather large, so you were able to allow the items to be put in there and wrapped them. He didn't buy anything large, nor did he buy a lot, so it fit well. You handed him over your handmade little bag. Yagi glanced at you and at the items. It wouldn't change much if he decline...he should might as well accept it.

"Thanks, kid." He grinned as he accepted it. He seemed grateful, but you couldn't honestly say the same with the way he addressed you. Your smile faltered at his nickname for you. Kid? You're not a kid!

"Y-You're welcome, Mr. Yagi! Anyways, have a safe trip back home!" You gave him a smile as you let it pass this time.

"Huh? Where are you going, kid? Isn't your home this way?" Yagi immediately pointed out as you were about to turn around to head for a opposite direction.

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