"Great, well it is a good thing I have my dagger," I reached down and pulled out my trusty dagger.

I turned around to go stop the guards until someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Stefan..." I said but got interrupted when Stefan connected his lips to mine having that heated passion coming back.

"I've been needing that for awhile," Stefan said after disconnecting our lips.

"We will have more once this is done," I smiled then giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. I ran off to go encounter the guards and stop this mess once and for all.

I ran up behind a guard who had his back turned from me and quickly yanked him with my dagger and made a perfect hit right through his armor. As he turned around, he turned into dust. Interesting, my dagger seems to be stronger than it usually was. I will after to ask Angus about this.

Suddenly I was struck from behind as another guard hit me like a hurricane. I rapidly turned around and went for a low kick. He went down than my senses told me to duck, so I ducked. A punch came over my head. I stood back up and went for a punch to the guard's stomach and hit him like a tidal wave. He flew back into the wooden wall of the arena. As the guard hit the wall, a wooden piece struck through him and pierced his heart, he then turned into dust.

I looked around my surroundings and saw Kyle in trouble. I rapidly ran to him to back him up. Kyle was using his fists, punching rapidly like there was no tomorrow. I was pretty sure the rogue vampire's face was more bloodier than a squashed tomato. Another guard sneaked up behind Kyle to stab him with his sword. Without even thinking I blasted a fireball and hit him directly in the back. He dropped the sword and turned around, glaring at me with his sharp, pointy teeth sticking out. I started to run to him and as soon as he was in distance, I jumped in the air and kicked him right in his gut which made him flew backwards. He stood up rapidly and used his fast ability to get to me. He grabbed my neck harsh raising me above ground. I tried to bring fire into this but it didn't cause much affect to the rogue vampire.

It felt like my face was turning blue. I was starting to lack in oxygen and could no longer breathe. My vision was starting to darken until suddenly I heard a snap as if someone broke two sticks in halves. I fell to the ground and my vision started to clear up. I looked up and saw Kyle standing above me. He reached down to pull me up which I gladly accepted.

As I stood up, another guard came rushing towards us but was suddenly knocked to the side and stabbed with a black sharp weapon. Looking at who was controlling it, I saw that it was Stefan using his limbs as a sword. He gave me his boyish smile look which caused butterflies inside me, but right now was not the time to be gushing all over him.

"You think you can defeat me?" Lord Delaney shouted at me. "You are clearly wrong you stupid girl! Guards, get her!"

All around me, there were many guards rushing towards me. No room to escape, no room to run. I concentrated on the power of fire, calling my element to me. Suddenly something jumped into my head. I was in my head, looking at an image. It showed fire footprints in a circle and than another image popped up and it was a fire circle with a force of pushing back. Suddenly back to my alert self, I could see the enemies rushing towards me.

Still puzzled as to what happened, I knew it was for a reason. I concentrated the fire beneath me and beneath the guards, spreading around us. Once they got closer, I concentrated on that ring of fire from the image in my head and casted it directly around the rogue vampires. Once the fire hit their flesh, they started shrieking in agony. They each got down on their knees and shrieked even louder until they all exploded into dust.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled to myself in confusion. What exactly was that? Exactly how did I know about those movements and better yet, how did my head have known to conjure that up? When you think you understand yourself, you find out you never really do.

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