Chapter 6

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I woke up gasping. Thank god it was just a dream. A very realistic dream. As I calmed myself down, I got out of bed. All of a sudden, I start to smell something amazing. Bacon? Pancakes? Waffles? Scrambled eggs? I could hear my stomach growling. As I walked downstairs, I saw Stefan in the kitchen focusing hard on prepping up the food. Are we having people coming over? A feast? The quantity was a lot but my stomach was growling by the second.

"Everything looks amazing." I said. Staring at the delicious food that was being prepped. I could feel my mouth getting watery and the amazing smell was not helping it. All I could do was stare and try not to scarf all of that food down.

"Happy Birthday Lilith." Stefan said as he looked at me. When he saw me, his eyes went huge with a big smile.

Oh shit, is it already today? "Thank you, but you did this all for me?" I couldn't help but smile. This is one of the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

"Of course. But Lilith, look at you." He said happily. "You look...amazing." He said. Scanning me up and down, unleashing one of his famous smirks.

What did he mean I look amazing? I just woke up in my regular pajamas with bed hair. What was so amazing about that? I went to look in a mirror and what I saw, my mouth opened in shock. "This wasn't a dream. I was progressing into my new self." I couldn't produce anymore words. What I saw in my dream is exactly what became of me. I put my hands on my hair and just like my dream, violet. I know in my dream that I thought I looked beautiful, and I still do. I was just in shock. Does that mean I really did use fire and I could do that now. What if my powers start to burst and I can't control it. I started backing away hearing Stefan, but couldn't hear what he was saying. I headed outside, needing some air to calm down.

"Lilith, listen to me." Stefan said running to me. "Just try to calm down. This is normal." Trying to calm me down.

"Is this really who I am now?" I asked. I already knew the answer.

"Yes. But, that is not a bad thing. You look amazing...beautiful. You even look stronger now. I mean not that you didn't before." He tried to correct himself.

I rolled my eyes, "I know what you meant, dork." I gave a small smile.

"Why do you look scared though?" He wondered.

I told him about the dream. How realistic it felt. I described how I woke up as if everything in reality was a dream. About seeing my parents aligned up with the same death marks. I choked back a sob and felt the tears coming down. Describing my parents was the most difficult part. I explained about the bloody wall and what happened when I put my hands on it. The fire, the heat, how it felt so real. Stefan's eyes expanded when I kept on describing the details. How my hands were not scorched or any signs that it went through the fire.

"So, hot and beautiful," Stefan teased.

I slapped him on his shoulder. "Will you be serious Stefan. This isn't funny." I pouted.

"You're right. It's incredible! Now that you are eighteen, the glamour has worn off, and now your powers are starting to form." He stated.

"It's not just that." I started until Stefan chipped in.

"Let me guess than. You are afraid that since your powers are starting to come, you are worried that you can not control them and somehow hurt yourself or others." He stated more as a statement than a question.

"Exactly. Last thing I want is to hurt someone I care about." I looked down. Scared as the thought creep up in my mind.

"Lilith, I promise that nothing like that'll ever happen. I will help you train. To control your powers. If that's not enough, then we will find a way. I promise you." He gave me a look, asking for trust. To believe in him.

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