Chapter 21

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Doesn't this goes with something like, 'making a deal with the devil' cliche? I just have to get on their good side and get my gear. Then I will be able to move onto phase two. Wow...phase two, that makes me sound like a spy. Technically I am a spy after all.

"So Lilith, do we have a deal," he glanced at me studying my every action.

I reached my arm out, "Lord Angus, we have a deal," I smiled. He shook my hand than grabbed his key ring from his pocket to unlock me from my cell. Within moments I was finally free.

"Lord Angus, would it be any trouble if I could change back into my normal outfit? If you don't mind of course," I smiled nicely. Not like I give a shit what he minds or don't mind. Fuck him. Just got to play nice so that my plan will work out just fine.

He thought for a moment before replying, "Sure," he shrugged, "don't see a reason why you shouldn't. Follow me and I will show you where your belongings are."

We walked around the unknown area of where I was behind held. I came to terms that I should memorize where the cells were and where the room is located that holds my items. Never know when it would come in handy, of course. There was nothing creative in his area whatsoever. In fact, it was even musky, a rough scent you could say. Definitely stuffy. I saw some doors but it required some certain passkey to be scanned to gain access.

"Hey, Lord Angus," I started. "Those doors, where do they lead to?"

"I will not be able to discuss that with you, not yet anyhow," he said firmly.

"Where are my friends located? So that I could find Drake and convince him to join us?"

"That does not pertain to you. You will be meeting him in a room when that occurs," he answered.

Well shit, there goes that plan. I will make it work...somehow. I owe that to my friends and my uncle. I refuse to be bested by such idiot vampires who think they could disrupt law and order.

"In that room," Lord Angus pointed to a steel doorway which also required a passkey to open.

"Um," I said while looking at the door. Lord Angus gave me a puzzled look which made me sigh. "The door, it requires a passkey," I mentally rolled my eyes at him. Idiot.

"Oh yes, let me get that," he said.

Oh will you sir? Why thank-you you blabbing idiotic fool. I gave a small laugh at my thoughts which in return gave me another puzzle look from Lord Angus; so I gave a small cough as a cover up. He scanned his passkey which the door made a metallic click and he opened it up for me.

"Now be on the lookout for me, I do not want someone to walk in on me changing," I told Lord Angus which he nodded.

I made it into the room and scanned around. There were a few long metal tables with boxes on them. I walked halfway in and on the second metal table, I saw a box which I saw my mother's leather jacket. I pulled out my jeans and jacket with the red top. As I emptied my box, I saw that my dagger was not inside it. Not good. Where would they put my dagger? Knowing I wouldn't be able to find it in here, I rapidly changed out of my disgusting rags and into my own outfit. I took out the keys I had hidden and put it in my inside pocket of my leather jacket.

I took a few moments to look around in this room which I found a pen and a single piece of notepad. I quickly wrote some notes in and put the pen exactly where I found it.

"Lilith, you almost done in there?" Lord Angus called out.

Knowing my time was out, I walked back the door. "Yeah, where do you want my rags? I put it back in the box," I said as stepping out to meet with him.

He shrugged, "Leave it, I guess. Not my concern. Before anything happens, the boss would like to meet with you.

I will finally meet the scumbag who started this all. "No problem, who is he anyways?"

"You will meet him soon enough," he walked off.

Thinking that I am supposed to follow him, I start walking right behind him. Whoever this may be would most likely be powerful. I will definitely have to watch what I say. If I am to act like I am on their side, I will have to play the part. Like you can keep your big mouth shut. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. You can roll your eyes all you want but we both know that. I hate whatever.

"Are you alright?" Lord Angus gawked at me as if he saw something abnormal.

Yeah, I am arguing with myself, why? What's up with you? "Yeah, I'm fine," I shrugged. Not fine. I ignored my thoughts despite the fact that is true. I am definitely not fine, in fact I feel like going home while wrapping myself around a soft blanket like a burrito watching comedy movies with a bucket of ice cream. Now I want ice cream...note to self, get ice cream once this is all done.

We stopped in front of two giant doors that stood tall with strange designs on the front of it. It looks like strange symbols that are designed like fire? How unusual, perhaps this room was meant for me. Okay, I know it's not but it should be. I could hear shoutings from inside the door and Lord Angus gave me the signal to wait here while he went inside. I pressed my ear against the door so that I could eavesdrop.

"How fucking idiot, I should stab you in the heart right where you stand!" Someone yelled aggressively full with angry passion.

"My apologies Lord, I promise you it won't happen again," someone said with full fear.

"Guards, take him to the dungeon, I had had enough with that pathetic scumbag," the loud angry person shouted.

"No please! I'll do anything!" The fearful person pleaded.

As quiet filled the space, I backed away from the door as I could hear footsteps coming my way. As the doors open, two guards were dragging away another person who was the one who tried to 'rape me.' As I stepped out of the way, I saw his face and gave a huge smirk. Serves him right, with whatever he did.

"Lilith Moonlight," Lord Angus came back out, the leader will speak with you now.

I nodded at him and walked inside. The doors behind me came to a close, which brought out my nerves. Okay Lilith, just relax. Just a cliche moment just like the movies. Doesn't that person end up dying though? Not. Helping. I took small deep breathes as I walked through the long hallway.

I walk closer to where I could see a big throne with jewels inside the throne itself. Next I saw someone's shadow from the wall. I walk even more closer and finally could see the face behind all of the mayhem.

Oh. My. God. Him? It was him all along? How? Then it hit me. Walking into the meeting, the burial chamber, the almost execution outside, it was him all along. But why?

"Well hello Ms. Moonlight, how great to see you again," he said with an evil grin that showed his pointy teeth. His scarlet eyes burning brighter by the second.

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