Chapter 13

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I was freaking out as the vampires were all coming a step closer, closing me in their circle. I had to think fast. There was no opening to escape. I really am trapped. Nowhere to go. If this was a dream, why couldn't I wake up? How am I supposed to escape this? The vampires were now a couple inches away and I knew I was screwed.

As the vampires gave a look at each other, they nodded. They flew up in the air and every single one of the seventeen vampires sacked me. I could hear more vampires in the background laughing at my defeat. I was struggling to breath. As I closed my eyes, I tried to bounce them off but I couldn't throw them off me.

Knowing my defeat was here, that I was going to somehow die within this dream, I could feel my body not just feeling the fire, but as if it was on fire? All of a sudden, I could smell smoke, and a rotten disgusting smell of flesh on fire. As I opened my eyes, I could see the vampire all fleeing while coated with fire. "What the..." was all I managed to say as I stood up. As I looked down, than my arms, I realized my whole body was coated with fire. When more vampires started to appear, I didn't back down. I now know what to do.

I raised both arms in front of me and fire started to blast from them. I twirled myself around hitting every vampire as they ran to flee. I then switched it up and conjure fireballs from my hands aiming at my targets that were running. Once I couldn't see any more vampires, I could feel myself starting to cool off.

"You may of thought you won but you just wait and see," the mysterious voice said.

"I just took out your minions and I still stand. Yeah, I will count that as a win," I retorted back.

As the voice laughed, "You won't win so easily. You think your actions weren't real? Physically you aren't here, you're still in that bed. You're actions are real enough to cause real damage, you may of destroyed my vampires but that is not the only thing you destroyed," he gave another laugh. "After you're gone, I will take down Lord Thornes and I will have the ultimate ruling."

I could feel everything disappearing but light getting brighter. After a few moments, I was back in my bedroom, or what was left of it. I could feel my skin paling as I realized what I have done. I destroyed Stefan's home. Emotions were kicking in and tears were flowing down rapidly. "Stefan! Stefan!" I shouted. "Where are you!" I ran through the hallways and some of the walls were scorched. I headed downstairs yelling for Stefan. I couldn't find him nowhere. How could this happen? "You're actions are real enough..." repeating back what that mysterious voice said. He made me do this. Used me as bait to destroy myself and Stefan.

Within a few minutes, I could hear Stefan from outside. "Lilith!" I could hear Stefan running into the living room meeting with me. He grabbed my hand and ran back outside.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asked me worriedly.

I nodded, "I'm fine. Where were you?" I questioned him trying to fight back the tears.

"Went to get some groceries and on my way back I saw smoke in the area of my house and drove here as fast as I could. What happened," he asked.

"I did this," I could barely whisper it out. Emotions were kicking in and my tears won the battle, they came flooding down my face. "I can't do this Stefan...I can't." I turned back and ran as fast as I could. I could hear Stefan shouting out my name but I ignored him and ran.

After ten minutes of running, I took my phone out and called Calico. "I'm sorry to bother you Calico, but can you come to me?" Within a few moments, Calico stood behind me and put his hand on my shoulder which made me jump. "Shit!" I turned around and glared at him. "A heads up would of been nice."

"Sorry. Lilith, are you okay?" Calico asked sincerely. "What happened?"

I just shook my head. "I can't do this anymore...I need you to take me somewhere."

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