Chapter 5

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    We drove back to Stefan's house that took about an hour due to small bit of traffic we ran into. It was a long quiet ride that felt more than an hour. I had just said goodbye to the last normal piece that I would ever have. I had no idea what will happen next and I don't even know if I am even ready. Honestly though, it doesn't even matter if I am ready or not because whatever fate I am destined for, fate will come. During the ride, I looked through the window and I could see Stefan giving me sad looks towards me. I know it's not his fault that any of this happened and I will not act like it is. He is trying to help me with everything he could.

As we made our way inside, I headed up stairs and decided I needed to relax. On the bathroom counter that happened to have a bath bomb lavender scented with a note attached that stated, "Lilith, while shopping I saw this and figured you could use one to relax -Stefan." Seeing it made me smile a bit more but not enough to distract me. I set up the tub and filled it up with some hot but not too hot water and set the bath bomb in to work the magic. After a few moments, I stripped down and got inside. A lot of thoughts stormed through me, every detail that has occurred since that night of the fire. Losing my parents, my house, everything that I have ever earned, and now my old life. Despite knowingly that I still have Kyle and now Stefan, I felt like I was alone. In this corrupted, horrible, full of monsters, world. I couldn't help myself but weep my sorrows until I couldn't weep no more. After a few minutes, I was able to put myself together. You need to stop that crying of yours and put yourself together. Yes, everything sucks and life sucks but you need to learn to move on and quit acting like a blabber baby every few minutes. Sometimes I hate my subconscious mind, making me feel a lot worse. Even though I despise what was said, my mind was right as usual. I am Lilith fucking Moonlight. I am more than an average girl. Yes, I lost my normal life, but I have gained a new one. A new beginning. For fucks sake, I am a supernatural creature. "I am Lilith fucking Moonlight!" I shouted to myself.

"Uh Lilith?" Stefan said from the other side of the door.

Oh shit...did Stefan hear me say that? Act cool. "What's up Stefan?" I said, trying to act cool and not embarrass myself more. Maybe he didn't hear me.

"When you're done, can you meet me in the kitchen? We need to talk about some stuff, nothing bad though." Stefan said. "Perhaps when you're done yelling your name that is." I heard Stefan walk away laughing.

    I could feel my face turning red from embarrassment. He did hear me. Just peachy. Make myself more like a weirdo. After a few more minutes, I could smell the lavender vanishing and realizing the time in the bath was done. I got out of the shower and changed back into my clothes and then proceed down stairs.

"What's up Stefan? Everything good?" I asked.

"Yeah, we just need to discuss about something." He said while opening up a beer. "Want one?" He asked, suggesting the beer.

I shrugged and said, "Sure. Thanks." I said as Stefan gave me the open beer. "What do we need to discuss about?" I asked curiously.

"Now, just know I am perfectly fine with you staying here. As you know, I have the room for you to stay here. Want I do want to know is if you would like to permanently move in. Like I said from the beginning, it is only me in this house and no one else lives here and we are protected here." From seeing the expression on my face, he added, "You don't need to make up your mind just yet. Take the time you need to think it over." He finished.

"I really do appreciate the hospitality that you given me and more. I know we kind of got off on the wrong foot but to be fair, I didn't even know you. With the fact that we did not know each other, you have always been nothing but kind and always trying to help. I don't know if I can live here though. Kyle already offered to have me live with him and his family since I am really close to them. At this point, I don't know what I want." I said honestly.

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