Chapter 15-Thrown in Attack

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Annaliese didn't know how she made it through the day. She didn't know how she avoided Christian or got weird stares from other kids and talked to Isaac and caught odd glances from Dylan, but she did.

So at the end of the day, when she caught up with Dylan and said, "How exactly are we supposed to talk to Tara?"

"She's a vampire, remember? She can't come out in the daylight because she doesn't have a necklace like I do. Uncle Ed leaves her alone for a while."

Annaliese knew that her dad had two brothers and a sister. One of them was Dylan's dad--who had died of a heart attack and lived with Uncle Ed, who was the other brother, and then Aunt Tara was his sister. It was odd to think about it like that, she thought. She couldn't imaginne anyone she loved dying.

They continued to walk the path towards their house.

"We'll have to catch her and then ask," said Dylan.

Annaliese sighed, staring around her. The wheat in the stretching fields swayed in the breeze, dancing to the soft beat of the wind.

"When do you think the Sunclipse is?" she asked.

Dylan shot her a glance. "I have no idea."

"So it could be tonight and we'd have no idea how to save Riley?"

"Right. That's why we need to act quickly--very quickly."


"Are you ready?"

"How do you even know she'll be out tonight?" Annaliese asked, grabbing her leather jacket off her bed.

"Because she goes out every night to feed."

"On people?" For some reason, Annaliese was shocked by the news that her aunt ate people--or drank their blood. It chilled her bones to the core.

Dylan nodded. "Why do girls always ask stupid questions?"

Annaliese smirked, shrugging on her jacket. "In case you haven't forgotten, I'm the ordinary unimmortal one here who knows nothing about vampires and demons."

"Good point."

They started down the stairs together--quietly. The great grandfather clock struck midnight twelve times.

Dylan unlocked the back door, and opened it slightly. "Okay, go, I'll be right behind you."

Annaliese stepped out into the chilly night air, wind slicing through her jacket. She wrapped it tighter around her body.

Dylan stepped out with her. "Okay, this way. Through the woods."

"Do you follow her or something?"

"Sometimes. But she doesn't know its me." They headed towards the back yard, and started at the border of the woods. The dark shadows of tree branches stretched out, their hands like claws grasping empty air.

"And she always goes this way...Shouldn't we like....wait for her to get back or something?"

"She doesn't even come back some nights."

"Oh. Good to know." Annaliese's heart was oddly shaking in her chest as they made their way through the soundless woods, the only light was the half moon shinking brightly above the both of them, a mily halo surrounding it. Dark branches cracked beneath their feet, and she made sure to dodge unknown sillhouttes of leaves and branches.

A sudden shout--a boy's shout--shattered the silence.

And they both knew what was coming next.

"This way!" Dylan said, grabbing her hand and steering her to the left. Her gasp was caught in her teeth as she ran with him.

The shout cracked through the woods once more, making her heart beat faster.

Dylan pulled Annaliese to a stop, the impact pulsing through her body.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Tara....She's got her victim."

"We have to save them!" Annaliese exclaimed, mind spinning, looking over his shoulder.

And she saw the two of them.

One figure leaning over the other--desperately trying to get a hold of them as the figure tries to shrug them off.

Dylan sprinted out into the clearing and tumbled over their aunt with a growl. Teeth bared, he grasped her shoulders....

Tara pushed him back ferociously, sending him sprawling to into the undergrowth.

"Dylan!" Annaliese gasped.

Tara turned to her.

It was like lightning.

But the next thing Annaliese knew was that she was knocked with excruciating force, and a hand forced her neck to be vulnerable.

Pain exploded from it. It was like someone literally stuck two needle sharp daggers into your neck, and forced them to go in, and in, and in, and finally wrenching them out, only to be thrust in again, all the while feeling hot blood trickle down the side of it.

Suddenly, she felt a final burst of energy and with all the strength she could find in her own willpower, she forced the body off of her.

But that didn't mean Tara was through. She rebounded, but this time, Annaliese was quicker. She gripped with the first thing she could find--a sharp stick, and thrust it through Tara's stomach.

A high screech broke through the air, as she clutched her middle, gasping for breath. Annaliese pushed her aunt back down, hopeing to weaken her more, and got to her feet.

The figure who had been attacked first looked up.


The voice was all too famililiar. Too familiar. It made her heart stop in her chest.


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