Chapter 11--Spilled Secrets

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"Do you see demons--? Speak in a calm manner or we'll have to put you to sleep again," the lady said, resting her palms flat on the table. Her eyes glittered with malice--hate--that she tried not to release.


"Then why did we get a call saying you did?"

"I have no idea." She tightened her fists on the table, fear and anger setting in.

"We only want to help you. Can you describe what they look like to me?"

"No." Her heart started burning with anxiety.

"Okay--well since this is a serious matter--we'll have to put the lie detector test on you since you're not being cooperative."

Annaliese swallowed hard.

____12 Hours Earlier____

"Annaliese, we're going to be late!" Dylan said, coming through her doorway.

"I know, I know, I'm just running late. I overslept," she said, grabbing her back pack off the dresser.

He tossed her a muffin. "Uncle Ed told me to give this to you."

She held it up. "This is why he's my favorite uncle."

Dylan wrinkled his nose. "He's your only uncle."

Annaliese nodded. "Exactly. I think I'm ready now." As she followed Dylan out the door, she caught a glimpse of his thin chain, glinting in the dim hallway light.

"Can I ask you a question?" she said as they started down the mahogany steps. The white walls were bare, and for the first time, Annaliese felt there was a chill in this part of the house as she gripped the banister.


"Did it hurt? When you Turned?'

She caught his smirk. "Yeah. If you turn into anything Immortal, then you can be sure it's going to hurt. Espescially werewolves....When they Shift, it can be really painful."

"We're going to walk today," Dylan called to Uncle Ed as they entered the kitchen.

He poked his head through the kitchen door with a frown. "I can drive you, if you want."

"No, it's okay," Dylan replied, shaking his head. "I'll see you after school, though."

With that, he shoved Annaliese through the front door. "What was that for?"

"The fact that I can tell you about the Gatekeeper, now."

"Okay, tell me about him." Annaliese sighed as they started down the drieveway. The streets were lined with houses, and that stretched out into a long field, where the road crossed. Birds soared overhead in the earlly morning light. The sun was high in the sky, exploding the world around her with brightness. High grass swayed in the cool breeze, and the movement made Annaliese nearly feel the prickly tickled it would give her in the field. Birds sighed their song in the sea of fall leaves. 

"He's not a man you want to cross," Dylan started, taking a deep breath. She noticed that he gripped his bookbag a little tighter than normal.

"Have you ever met him?"

He shook his head. "No, thank God, but that doesn't mean we understand why he'd want to send the Immortal Bodies into this world."

"Probably because it would give him power?" Annaliese asked, shrugging. "I mean, why wouldn't he want want power?"

"Just promise me that you won't...I don't know, just don't cross paths with anymore people."


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