C H A P T E R : T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Chapter 34: I Love You's

P R E S T O N  C H A N C E R E Y N D A Y

▶️ | Beyoncé - Sandcastles | ▶️

Walking into this venue, was putting a weight on my shoulder. Today was the day that my best friend was getting buried six feet under. Everything was moving too slow for me and everybody's face held a frown, and dripped in tears.

I held them in. I had cried all of them last night, and I put everything of his in boxes to keep in a storage locker until I can figure out what I want to do with them.

We were looking at Alex for the final time, before his body could never be seen again. I walk to him and see him with a blank facial expression and his body motionless, obviously. He was dressed in his best Versace suit, he's dead hair gelled back the way he would do it.

His face filled with bruises and he had a busted lip. His hair now dull and his face extremely pale. Everything, after looking at my dead best friend, was a blur. I only remember giving him his last speech.

"Alex, Alex King Ford. What a friend I had I him. As most of you know Alex and I were tight. I lost a brother two days ago, and I didn't say the things that you'd expect a friend and a brother to say. Alex, I come to you today to tell you that I'm proud of who you've become, I feel as if you just wasted your hard talent. If you weren't proud of yourself I'm here to tell you that I'm proud of you. I'm also here to tell you that you could've been so big in the world, you have so much potential, and I wish you didn't put it to waste. And the last thing I should've said to you before you left me was, I love you."

"Yeah, I may not show it buddy, and I might not say it too. But it's the truth, I would've done anything for you. And I'm sorry I don't say it often , but I hope you can hear me where you are right now in heaven. And remember to not touch the female angels inappropriately up there." Everybody laughs and I chuckle wiping tears from my eyes.

We eventually close the casket, after everyone had had a good look at him and said their last words to him. We walk very slowly carrying the casket with other men. We arrive at the hole that the world had provided for Alex.

"Goodbye Alex." I say softly and I hear Mrs Ford's cry ringing through everybody's ears and I can't help but cry. Aubrey's comforting arms hug me and I hug her back. I hate myself for crying in front of her, but I'm just gonna miss my best friend.

This is all Layla's fault. Thank God She and that slut of hers didn't show up to the funeral, I would've beaten them up so hard they would be laying next to Alex.

"I should give you some space, call me when you need me." She kisses my cheek and was about to crutch away, but I stopped her.

"No. I need you...I really need you." I was scared now, that I was going to lose the people I love one by one. My mom came up to me and hugged me, while my father hugged Aubrey, then they switched.

"Hey guys, I know you're hurting and so is Madison, Thomas and Sam but I hate seeing my children hurt so I told them not to come, especially Madison. She's had too many shocks for the month."

I nod and pull Aubrey close to me kissing her forehead. My mom looks at Aubrey and smiles a smile of admiration. My mom and dad look at each other holding their hands.

"I love you guys. You know that right? Please stay safe, and try not to get into anymore danger. It's very scary for a parent to send their child to college, not knowing where they are and what they're doing. Stay together, if you going anywhere go together, please." My dad said and my mom nodded all the way.

"We will, Peter" Aubrey said.

"Thank you Aubrey." My mother said, but it was more than thanking her for the reassurance.

It was for everything. And I too, thank her.

After my parents left Aubrey and I go out to my car, since we came together, she can't drive just yet. But her leg is healing really fast, she might get the cast off by next week.

The car drive was silent and I wanted silence, just to clear my head. When we go to my apartment I took Alex's guitar and started strolling a tune, as I look at Aubrey.

She smiles her most beautiful smile and sings along.

Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
But we're still young
Don't know where we're going but we know that we belong
Know we started
Two hearts and one home
Its hard when we argue
We were stubborn I know
But oh

Sweet creature
Sweet creature
Wherever I go
You bring me home.

She finishes her sweet singing looking at me with glossy eyes as I stare right back at hers.

"Aubrey, I love you." I kiss her not waiting for her to say anything else. I kiss her passionately and she kisses back with the same amount of effort.

After at least two more minutes we stop kissing, due to the lack of air the breathe.

"I love you too."

A/n: Okay Alex's life is officially over. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and all, if you did please vote on that ⭐️ and comment your favourite part. Why do you think Layla didn't come to the funeral? 🤔 🤔.

Who knows?

Oh wait, I do, and you'll find out in the next chapter. Also can't wait for schools to end...happy Black Friday, go spend your money!


In My BedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora