C H A P T E R : T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Chapter 33: Hints

P R E S T O N  C H A N C E R E Y N D A Y

I was driving to Alex's home, his parents were out at work and were only going to come back in the afternoon.

I pull up to his house and park in the driveway next to his car.

I then get a phone call from Aubrey.

"Hello?" I answer closing the door to my car and leaning on it.

"Hey Preston, just know that I'm going out now. Don't want you to throw a search party when you find me not there." I laugh and take off my sunglasses

"No problem pumpkin, I'll see you when I come back."

"Okay, Bye."

"Bye." she hung up but I still whispered to myself, " I love you."

I sigh and walk towards Alex's home, I knock but there's no reply. I turn the doorknob and I see it's open.

"Alex?" I shout closing the door behind me.

"Alex buddy? Where are you?" Still no reply.

I walk into the lounge and I see nobody, I walk into the kitchen and I see nobody.

"Alex?!" I look through the kitchen window to see if he's in his backyard, but no ones there.

I walk into his room and see him on the floor.

"What the fuck?! Alex!" I yell, turning him over and seeing him laying under a white powder.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck fuck fuck!" I yell kicking the bed.

I pull out my phone, but my hands were shaking and it was hard to type the number for the ambulance. I hope Alex is okay, I hope he's still breathing.

"Hello! My friend, he's had an overdose I need you to come over now! My friend he needs help."

"Okay sir, calm down we'll be there soon Just tell us where you are right now."

*** A Hour later ***

I'm waiting in the cold waiting room, to see if I can go and see my best friend again.

In comes an Aubrey in her crutches and helping her is Layla. I had called her to tell her that I was at the hospital, but I didn't want her to bring the cause if his overdose.

"Baby." She says and I hug her, as she balances on one foot.

"What happened?" Layla ask.

"Why do you fucking care. You do even love him!"

"Just because I didn't marry him doesn't mean I don't love him Preston. I love Hi. With all of my heart but..."

"But what Layla?" I'm livid at the point and just want to rip her head out. Love? You don't do that shit to someone you love.

"But I'm lesbian okay? I can't love him like that Preston and you need to understand that."

"You know what Layla...fuck you!"

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