"Right, you ready kid?", he turns to me and I nod. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Call if there's any trouble, okay?", I told Emma and she nods, knowing what to do. My dad took my bag and I kissed Hope's cheeks one last time but was soon called out by the twins who ran to meet me.

"Arin, wait!", Josie yelled. "Munchkins, it's nice to see you both", my dad greeted them and hugs them both then, to put my bag in the car. "Hey girls", I waved at them. "Why didn't you tell us you're leaving?", Lizzie asked and Emma had already left, not wanting to disrupt the family reunion.

"Girls, relax. I'm only going to be gone for a day. You guys have it under control here", I told them. The next thing that happened was Josie hugging me extremely tight and Lizzie joing us too. "Kinda, need to breathe, girls", I tapped their side and they let go.

"Arin, let's go", my dad called out. "Well, goodbye girls. See you tomorrow", I bid them goodbye and received a kiss on the cheeks by Josie and Hope for the last time. I hopped into the car and watched them wave at me until we drive off to the front gate. "So, you and Hope, huh?", my dad teased and I smack his shoulders.

"It's not like that, dad and you know that. I love her but not in that way", I defend med myself. He shrugs and kept his eyes on the road. "I'm just saying, she seems to be more attached to you than the last time I saw you and she also has heart eyes when you said goodbye", he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his observation. The rest of the car trips was full of questions of him asking me how is everyone in school. When we parked into the house, Stefanie came running out if the house with Elena behind her.

"ARIN!!!", Stefanie shouts and jumps on me as soon as I got out

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"ARIN!!!", Stefanie shouts and jumps on me as soon as I got out. Lucky I have super strength. "Hey, Stef. How are you?", I asked and she just snuggled into my neck mumbling something. Elena and my dad hugged each other and they kissed, making me gag a little inside but still smile.

"Hey Ma", I greeted my stepmom. "Hi baby, Stefanie let your sister go so we can all get inside", Elena demand but she shook her head into my neck and I chuckled. "It's alright, I got her. Let's go inside", I told them and carried Stefanie inside the house.

I walked to the couch and plopped her down there. She pouted and crossed her arms. "Aww, Stefy. We can still cuddle and watch movies, okay?", I assured her to make her smile. "Alright, let's get some lunch then it's family bonding time", My dad told us and I smiled.

Stefanie isn't that old. She's 16 and looks like the same age as me but we all know I'm older. When someone asks us if we were twins we said yes and thought it was always funny. She's very happy go lucky. Always looking through the bright side. Kinda like my uncle but he's more of brave and noble same as Elijah. In the car, Stefanie took the aux and played her favourite songs.

She sang at the top of her lungs and I joined her for a few songs, making our parents laugh at us. As we reach to town, dad parked at the back of Mystic Grills. Stefanie excitedly went out first and I followed behind her as Dad and Ma got out of the car.

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