Chapter 3 the storm

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"Hey wake up." I heard Garrett say. I couldn't open my eyes. it was liked they were glued shut. I felt him pick me up and carry me in to the house. I felt him put me in his warm bed. I felt him tuck me in with his warm hands. and than I felt him kiss my cheek.
"Goodnight. beautiful girl." and than he walked out of the room.
"Eh! Eh! Eh!" I slapped my alarm clock off and went back to sleep.
"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey" I heard a voice said and than a warm pair of hands on my waist. I opened my eyes and it was Garrett . I looked at the window. oh my gosh. I opened my mouth in the shape of an 'O'. I pointed at the window.
"What is up with the sky?" I asked.
Aside from the hairy spiders with huge hairy eyes, the crazy serial killers, I hate storms.
"Just get in the basement." he said picking me up and carrying me down the steps. I leaned in closer to his chest and started crying.
"Wha why are we going to the basement?" I asked.
"Because theirs supposed to be a bad storm."
I unlocked my phone I had grabbed off my dresser.
"It's freakin 3 in the morning." I said.
"Oh. that's why it was dark."
I rubbed my temples and than I went upstairs back to my bed.
10 in the morning
I woke up and went to check on Nikki. I saw her in her bed fast asleep.why did I have to be dating Hannah.
"Um. Nikki." She opened her beautiful brown eyes and smiled when she realized it was me.
"Hey." she said and sat up stretching.
"Um I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to try outs. for football obviously." I asked
"Of course I wanna go!" She said. "I just gotta get dressed. what time is it."
"Well right now it's 10 and the practice is at 1 so we have time to eat lunch on the way there. "
"Ok. that gives me enough time to shower." she said and hopped off to get a towel and clothes. she was so beautiful. I know that's cheesy but whatever. it was true.
We were at Chic Fil A eating together, while Garrett was in his football gear eating a salad. I was eating a 12 piece nugget, some fries and a chocolate milkshake. yeah I'm that girl. I looked at my watch.
"We should go if we want to make it." I said.
he finished crunching his crouton and got up out of the chair.
"Ofay" he said with a full mouth. I laughed and he blushed.
Today was going to be fun.

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