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T  H  E    M  Y  T  H  Y  C  A  L  S

Loud screams could be heard as the massive dark hole falls and devours all the humans beneath it. 

Everyone sucked in by the massive hole began to feel dizziness, and a strong feeling of fatigue. Soon, everyone's vision faded to black. And after a few seconds, they were all back in their bodies, but in a different place?  The blue walls turned white, everything seemed better than it used to be.

The students began to question where they were, while the staff seemed barely fazed. A peculiar kid, named Eli Johnson, wasn't fazed at all.

"Hey John, how've you been doing?"

"I've been doing great corporal."

"Please, call me E."

The students stared in wonder to the rudest and most blunt teacher who was suddenly showing emotion to Eli, even going the lengths to call him corporal.

Murmurs could be heard all around the new location, everyone questioned amongst themselves on where they could be.

"Get us the fuck back!" Everyone looked at the brunette male who suddenly broke the nonexistent silence. 

Everyone was soon calmed when the principal, Jonathan Nash, went up to the stage.

"My amazing students, I know that you are probably confused, we-"

A loud crash interrupted Mr. Nash,  everyone looked at the source of the sound, it was a human, a human male. The staff were taken aback, already seeming to know who the figure is.

"Lucius, your father too tired to disrupt recruitment?" Mr. Nash taunted the brunette haired male, while Eli Johnson, known to be the most unathletic kid in the whole school, sprints at a wall at full speed and runs up it while purple smoke began to trail behind the feet of the long haired male.

A glowing purple spear appears at the right hand of the male. He pushes himself up doing a backflip and aligns his body and the spear to take aim at the trespasser. The brunette male also known as Lucius teleported himself away, it was successful but he was late in doing so. 

The students had their mouths open, as if they were children eating airplanes.

Lucius appeared at the entrance of the hall with a stab wound on his abdomen. The male places his hand over the newly formed wound, a worried look on his face. 

"This isn't possible. You'll pay for this!" Lucius hissed at the mages. He then teleported away leaving the students awe-struck.

"As I was saying." Mr. Nash continued, he seemed as if everything that had just happened was completely and utterly normal.

"You may be confused, you have every right to be, these are confusing times. All of you, even the teachers here are mages, humans enhanced with the power of the Divine Book. Yes, this does mean that you have magical power in you."

The crowd's murmurs began to go ever so slightly louder, people started questioning their integrity and the truth of everything around them. 

"The world needs protection, and you have the strength to do it so why not? In a few moments, you will be asked to chose between the five classes; Marksmen, Fighters, Tanks, Healers, and Pures. 

For the Marksman type, you will be provided with an enhanced firearm of your design, courtesy of the Tech Department. Fighters, like me will be allowed to create any close-range weapon of their choice using magic, or you could enhance your physical strength. Tanks are required an extensive knowledge in protective spells and an enhanced medieval weapon, no ranged weapons.

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