아홉 : Talk at the Scenery

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December 25, 2019
Hospital Room
Seoul, South Korea

"I called Lisa and Sojung to come here." Namjoon said. "Is Jin-hyung going to be alright?" Jimin asks in slight worry. "We don't know yet Jimin. I guess its time for him sooner. Taehyung hasn't made action yet." Hoseok sighs in worry as everyone was worried about the situation. As later on they heard a knock on the door, Jimin opened it as he saw Lisa and Sojung with worry on their faces as the small dongsaeng gave them way to see their oppa.

"Oppa..." Lisa started, "Oppa. What's this oppa?" She cries in worry. "Why didn't you told us about this oppa?" The younger held her oppa's hand and  breaks down. Sojung held Lisa on her shoulder and turns her head to the side so the boys and Lisa would not see her cry. "We are very sorry that your hyung didn't told you about this, Lisa-ah." Hoseok apologizes in a convenient manner. "I-It's oka-okay, Hoseok-oppa." Lisa sniffs a bit and dries her hears a bit. Namjoon hands the girls tissues as they keep tearing up. 

"How long has Oppa been suffering to this?" Lisa asks them. "Since Taehyung and Jeongguk were committed to each other." Yoongi answers quietly. "Huh? What do you mean?" Lisa says in question. "Your Oppa turned out to fell in love with Taehyung." Namjoon said sadly with Lisa and Sojung in shock. "Oppa..." the brunette turned to her brother and held his hand. "If this is the only way you'll be happy. I will respect your decision even if its saddens me." 

"Lisa..." Sojung said sadly. "Sojung unnie and I had a really great time spending time with you, Oppa. If this turns out the way it needs to be. I promise to sing for you at the memorial." Lisa smiles sadly, having herself determined to let her brother go and be independent. 

The girl stood up and sighs in relief, "You may have the love for that someone unrequited but you had your sole purpose to get through it. We promise to be happy for you, Oppa." 

"Lisa, are you sure with this decision?" Namjoon asks her in worry, "Of course, Namjoon-oppa. If Jin-oppa is happy, I am happy too." Lisa smiles at the rest of the boys who are smiling back at her. 

"We'll be on our leave now, Let's go, Sojung-unnie." Lisa took her hand and left with her. "See you guys soon." Sojung bows at them as the boys bowed back.  

Outside of the Hospital Room, Sojung and Lisa were walking to the elevator, "Lisa, I have to ask you something

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Outside of the Hospital Room, Sojung and Lisa were walking to the elevator, "Lisa, I have to ask you something." Sojung holds her hand tightly. "What is it unnie?" Lisa looks at her in question as the get out of the hospital. "Are you sure about this?" Sojung asks in a little worry, knowing Lisa who is always worried about her brother. 

Lisa sighs and smiles sadly, "To be honest," 

"When this was revealed to us just now... I don't know where my life will go next. We've lost our parents from a very young age and now he would always find a way to make us happy." The younger elaborated as the walked down the crossroads of Seoul. "I was very upset but at the same time, it made me reflect on something." She continues. "What does?" Sojung adds another question while walking to the place where the view of Seoul is beautiful throughout the plateau they are standing. "It made me realize that, the struggle of someone you love who does not love you back is very hurting to the person." Lisa reveals, "Jin-oppa despite that he is hurting inside, didn't want to worry us from afar. That's why he kept it hidden in his own heart and that give me a lot of admiration towards my own brother." 

[NYE Series] The Time We Have LeftOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz