Chapter 14

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Henry fumbled for his keys. All three of them were out of breath. Alice leaned over, with her hands on her knees, puffing.

"You live here?" Alice raised an eyebrow.

"I asked the same question," Emma chuckled. Henry just grunted in response.

They burst in the house, thankful they were somewhere safe. This shitshow was about to end soon.

They rushed to the lab. Henry poked a few numbers on a pin pad on the wall. They stumbled inside.

"Holy shit," Emma mumbled.

"This is-"

"My lab, yes," Henry interrupted. He took out the piece from his blazer pocket. Alice and Emma stared in awe as he rushed to the back of the machine, to fix it.

"Wait," Henry clutched the piece in his hand.

"Just do it-" Emma exhaled.

"What would happen if I didn't do this," Henry pondered.

"We'd fucking die, now hurry up," Emma was growing impatient.

"Henry whatever you're thinking, stop it," Alice whispered.

Henry shook his head as if he were in a trance, before snapping back into focus.

"Sorry- shit," He mumbled, before grabbing a tool from his workbench to fix his creation.

In a matter of seconds, all of the lights switched off. Alice let out a little shriek in fear. The lights flickered back on, and it felt like they had been dropped from sky onto Earth again. The trio found it difficult to stand. They all grabbed onto something near. Henry grabbing the workbench, Emma clutching onto the door, and Alice onto a chair nearby.

"Close your eyes, cover your ears" Henry ordered. They obeyed.

There was a loud ringing noise, followed by a loud crashing sound. Slowly, they opened their eyes again.

"Is it over?" Alice muttered.

"I think so-" Henry sighed in relief.

"Oh my god," Emma laughed. "Holy shit," She said for the 100th time in an hour.

"I'm going to tell you- nobody will remember what happened. Besides us. The people who survived," Henry said. They both nodded.

"Dad- Deb- Paul," Alice smiled, her eyes filling up with tears.

"Paul," Emma repeated, her eyes widening. "I have to go find Paul," Emma gasped.

"But-" Henry interfered, his heart dropping. She was still thinking about Paul, even after everything.

"Let's go!" Alice exclaimed, holding Emma's hand. They ran outside, Henry following behind them, but still taking his time. They ran all the way to downtown. There sat Paul, in Beanies. He was looking for Emma.

"Paul!" Emma exhaled, flinging herself onto him. She sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm s-sorry," She stammered.

"Emma!" He exclaimed. "What happened?"

"I- I don't know," She lied. "I'm just glad you're here,"

"Me too. I had to talk to you," He admitted.

Alice stood outside of Beanies looking around. First she saw Deb. With tears streaming down her face, she ran up to Deb immediately, embracing her with a hug.

"Jesus Christ Alice, what happened?" Deb asked startled.

"I missed you," Alice whimpered.

"Uh, me too?" Deb replied, confused.

Her dad followed closely behind. She ran up to him too, sobbing into his shoulder.

Henry watched it all play out. He held back tears. He couldn't cry. He was in public. But he was sure he could just walk away and nobody would notice. I'm sure Emma and Alice wouldn't forgive him after all of that. Of course they wouldn't, even if they said they would. He turned to leave, before he felt someone grab his hand.

It was Emma.

"Henry," Emma said.

"Emma," He looked down. He felt a pounding in his head for a few seconds. He brushed it off.

"I just want to say thank you,"

"Thank you? For what?" He scoffed, kicking at the ground.

"Helping us survive," She told him.

"I hope you remember I got you into that,"

"I remember," Emma nodded. She took a step closer to him. "Oh, and because we never got our special moment," Emma grinned. She stood on her toes, and kissed him. He was taken back. In the corner of his eye, he could see Paul. Though he didn't seem hurt. Emma wrapped her arms around his neck.

They pulled away. Emma looked into Henry's eyes. They flickered blue. It made her heart stop, though she remembered that everything was back to normal and there was nothing to worry about.

She pulled him in for a hug. She was just happy to be alive. Henry hugged her back. Henry's mind was elsewhere. Music started playing. Emma froze.

"Emma, I'm sorry, you lost,"

Last chapter!! You're welcome :)

I hope you enjoyed this small, weird little story, that I kind of enjoyed writing :)

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