Chapter 13

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The door swung open and Henry and Alice stepped in. Surprisingly, considering the fact that they were in the middle of the world turning to shit, the library looked tidy. Though Alice glanced at the bin. It was filled to the brim. Someone was in here. The hair on her neck stood up straight, though she didn't say anything.

"Let's wait here. We should be safe for now. Then we can look for Emma, if she isn't already dead,"

"Hey, think positively! She seems like a total badass, I'm sure she got out alive," Alice assured him.

"Yeah, I guess so,"

Emma carefully closed the back door behind her, careful not to attract any of those alien things. She looked around. Where the fuck has Henry and Alice gone? She walked around, making sure she wasn't seen. Maybe they had started to walk back to Henry's house. They had surely thought she was dead. But which fucking way was it? At this point, Emma was mumbling profanity like a trucker.

She had ran away when she went to the library the first time, so she took no notice of where she had come from. She looked around. There was a crunch of some leaves. Emma froze. Her heart skipped a beat.

Alice looked around the library. She had only been here once before, since she wasn't a big fan of books. She had to come here to borrow a book for a literature project in school, and that was the only time she came. Alice wandered to the back of the library. The back door was unlocked. She frantically locked it for their safety.

"What was that?" Henry asked sternly.

"The back door was unlocked," Alice replied.

"Peculiar," He thought. "Good idea locking it,"

"Well I mean I'm not an idiot," Alice mumbled to herself.

She looked into the trees ahead of her. There was a blue flash. Emma didn't have to think twice about running. She turned around towards the back of the library where she had just ran from. The blue flash had now turned into a person. They began softly singing. Emma ran faster, getting away. She got to the back door. She tried opening the back door but it was locked. What the fuck? She hadn't locked it when she left. It must've automatically locked or something.

Alice screamed in fear. There was loud banging on the door. She stepped back. In the door window she saw a silhouette, but she couldn't make out what it was. Henry came to Alice's side, he held a gun out in front of him, protecting himself and Alice.

Emma had some hope as she tried prying the door open, though it was growing thin as the alien got closer.

"Is there anyone in there?" Emma tried.

"Emma?" Henry's eyes widened, he immediately went to open the door. Alice grabbed his wrist cautiously.

"Hey! What if she's infected! That's dangerous!" Alice warned.

"She's in danger! There's clearly someone after her!"

"I can hear you guys," Emma rolled her eyes, though they couldn't see her. "I'm not fucking infected now open the fucking door," She banged on the door one last time.

Alice unlocked the door and let Emma in. The alien was dangerously close to Emma, it was lucky she had gotten in.

"I told you," Henry growled at Alice.

"Hey, she made the right move honestly," Emma shrugged. "At least she thought before she acted," Emma raised her eyebrows.

"Alright, alright," Alice muttered, trying to stop the argument. "At least you aren't dead,"

"That's right, at least I'm not dead," Emma repeated.

"Well, what's the plan, I kind of just want this to end," Alice sighed.

"Don't we all," Emma agreed.

"We just need to find our way back home. Just make a run for it," Henry said.

"Great," Emma said sarcastically.

"If I'm correct-"

"And it's doubtful if you are," Emma interrupted, fed up and over it.

"We should be going South," Henry said.

"You're going to have to point," Alice said. Emma smirked in agreement.

"That way," Henry pointed. "Go," He said opening the door.

"Jesus Christ," Emma said, running. Alice followed as Henry led the way.

In a matter of minutes they were standing somewhere familiar. Beanies.

"We made it, we fucking made it," Emma laughed in relief.

"Not exactly," Henry corrected.

"Well close enough. At least I know where I am," Emma breathed.

"Let's keep going," Alice said panting, following Henry. Emma took one last look into Beanies. It looked the same, except there was blue shit everywhere. Emma shivered. It was eery and the vibe was completely different.

Emma had to job to catch up with Alice and Henry. She looked around the familiar streets. Her shitty apartment was blocks away. She knew these streets like the back of her hand, but it was as if she had never seen them before. She couldn't wait until everything turned back to normal.

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