Chapter 9

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"Henry! There's a girl in trouble!" Emma cried, pointing at the lost teenager.

"I'm aware of that," Henry grumbled, looking back down at the paper.

"We have to help her!" Emma replied frantically, holding her hand to her chest in sympathy.

"We can't trust anyone at this point!" Henry, looked at Emma sternly.

"But- but she's not singing," Emma quirked an eyebrow.

"That doesn't mean she's not infected," Henry told her.

"Fucking hell, this is so confusing!" Emma clenched her fists. "She's a teenager! She might even be able to help us!"

"You just answered your own question. She's a teenager, she can't help us,"

"You're being really fucking heartless right now," Emma spat, standing up.

"Emma, what the fuck are you doing,"

"Helping that girl. She needs it," Emma looked back at Henry, as he sighed. Emma rushed over to the girl.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok," Emma soothed. At first the girl was startled, but then began to calm down with Emma by her side. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"Alice," She sniffed.

"Ok Alice, you're safe for now. Come with us," Emma motioned over to Henry, who was still trying to solve the code to break into the lab. "This is Henry. I'm Emma,"

"What's happening?" Alice whimpers.

"Look, the world's turned into this crazy musical, but we're going to save it," Emma explained softly.

"How?" Alice looked up at Emma with glossy eyes.

"Uh, well, there's this piece that we need to find from an old friend of Henry's. To do that we need to crack a code to sneak in-"

"You're breaking in?"

"Uh, yeah," Emma said nervously.

"Cool," She grinned lightly.

"We're really struggling with this last thing. I have no fucking clue, but I don't know, maybe you do," Emma said walking away. Alice crouched down next to Henry. He didn't budge, not letting her look at the paper.

"Henry, stop being a pain in the ass," Emma scoffed.

"You're forgetting who you're talking to," Henry snapped back.

"I think I know what it is," Alice mumbled, not loud enough for either of them to hear.

"Who's the one who got us in this mess?" Emma glared at Henry.

"I said I was sorry," Henry rolled his eyes.

"And sorry will definitely fix the situation we're in right now," Emma crossed her arms.

"Which is why I'm trying to solve it!" Henry raised his voice.

"I think I know what it is," Alice repeated, louder this time.

"Bullshit," Henry laughed.

"Hear her out," Emma looked at Alice.

Alice explained the code very carefully.

"We were learning something like this in my extension mathematics class," She finishes.

Henry stares at her with wide eyes.

"You are wise. Very wise. Maybe too wise," he squinted at her.

"I could be wrong, I don't know," Alice shrugged.

"No. You're right," Henry nodded, annoyed at himself that he couldn't figure it out on his own. "Come on, we have to get that piece," Henry stormed off in the direction of the lab.

Emma and Alice quickly rushed behind him, a few paces behind.

"Do you live around here?" Emma asks Alice, starting a conversation.

"No, actually, I live in Clivesdale. I was visiting my dad for the week, because my parents split up," Alice explains, looking off into the distance.

"Oh," Is all Emma can say.

"I'm scared," Alice whispers.

"Hey, it's ok. We'll get ourselves out of this mess. We've got a biology crazed professor on our hands," Emma smiles reassuringly.

"Didn't you say he was the one who started this?" Alice looked at Emma.

"About that," Emma trails off. "He created this musical, using a machine he created. Still not sure how he did it, but I can't be bothered to ask," Emma explained. Alice walked in silence, trying to comprehend it all. "He did it for me," Emma mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

"He made this whole musical, just so he could fall in love with me," Emma said quietly.

"Ooh, a love story," Alice raised her eyebrows.

"Clearly, it didn't work out to plan," Emma chuckled.

"Are you sure?" Alice teased. "Not even a little bit? Even if people are dying because of it?"

"I mean," Emma began.

"Did it?" Alice exclaimed. She was all for the romantic stories and falling in love. "Do you love him?"

"God no, I can't be there yet," Emma shook her head. "But I do have to say, he isn't bad,"

"Oh fine, at least it's something,"

"Like I was saying, we'll get ourselves saved, and everything will be turned back to normal,"

"Normal? They'll be alive again?" Alice said in reference to everyone that died in the catastrophe.

"I'm hoping so," Emma nodded. "My boyfriend-"

"Boyfriend?" Alice exclaimed.

"Ex boyfriend," Emma corrected herself. "He got infected with whatever blue shit that was,"

"My girlfriend, and my dad both got killed. I had to get away as soon as I could," Alice said choking back tears.

"That's awful, I'm sorry Alice,"

"It's ok. I just hope we can save them,"

"Me too. I kind of miss Paul," Emma confesses.

"Wait- Paul?" Alice stops in her tracks.

"Yes, Paul, quick we're gonna lose Henry,"

"What's Paul's last name?" Alice asked curiously, speeding up.

"Matthews. Paul Matthews,"

Alice stopped again. "Paul," He whispered.

"You know him?" Emma asked, shocked.

"He used to be my babysitter when I was young. We were really close. He was like a second father to me," Alice explained.

"Oh," Emma blinked. "Small world huh," Emma whispered.

"Yeah. I hope we can save him. I miss him. A lot,"

"Paul was a great guy, but he just got really distant, and just overall started being a bitch to me," Emma said. "Sorry, but it's true,"

"It's ok, he can be that way sometimes,"

"Yeah, but it was un-Paul like," Emma shrugged.

The three of them reach Mark's house again. It had to be around 2am in the morning. They hadn't slept, and they were feeling extremely exhausted. Nonetheless, they crept to the back of the house, to where the lab was.

There are probably so many flaws in this, please tell me if you spot any!

The Guy Who Created The MusicalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon