Chapter 10

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Henry carefully, and quietly entered the codes into the pin pad, praying to God that it would work. Finally, they heard a door open, like pressure was being released.

Emma and Alice silently high-fived behind Henry as he crept into the lab.

"Stay here," Henry told them, looking around for the missing piece. He rummaged through things, trying to find it.

Finally, he did. He stared at it, moving it to see the different angles with his hand. Soon there was a noise, as if someone was coming. Frightened, Henry quickly cloud the lab with a button, and the trio ran as fast as they could to somewhere where they could hide.

They crouched down behind a few trash cans. Panting, Emma threw her head back, before beginning to laugh.

"Fucking hell, we just keep dodging death," She chuckles.

"That was pretty cool," Alice nods.

"Stay focused, we still have to get home to the lab," He warns. Just then they heard a gunshot, before a chorus of singing could be heard. It was loud, meaning it couldn't be far.

"They're coming, we have to go," Henry hissed. They looked around for somewhere to go. They crept around, trying to retrace their steps. The singing got louder, and their heartbeats grew faster.

"We have to hurry," Emma said frantically. But it was too late. They were surrounded. Emma locked eyes with one of the infected humans. It was Paul. His eyes had turned blue, and there was blue goo coming from his eyes and his mouth. Emma suddenly couldn't move.

"Emma, I'm sorry, you lost," Paul started singing, which was different to the rest of the crowd.

"What?" Emma wrinkled her forehead, tears stinging her eyes.

"Emma, I'm sorry, you lost your way," He sang, walking closer to Emma.

"Emma get away from him!" Henry yelled, fighting off two other infected people.

"Paul?" Alice whimpered, but she couldn't be heard.

"What if I told you I made it? And this is the life that I chose," Paul sang to Emma. Emma stared back at him. Chose? Did he sacrifice himself? Did he choose to die? And get infected? "Would you even believe it Emma? Do you believe in ghosts?" Pauls hands were on Emma now, staining her white barista shirt that she never got dressed out of.

"What if I told you a story? That settled all the dust. I'm still the man you trust," Paul nodded, smiling softly at Emma. Emma couldn't help but miss that smile. That reassuring smile that Paul used to give her all the time. Maybe she did still trust Paul. It sure seemed that way.

Meanwhile, Henry rushed to Alice's side, who was breaking down because she had seen her father. He soothingly rubbed her shoulder in sympathy, as he fought off another infected human.

"It's inevitable for us,"

Suddenly, Emma shook her head, the blue tinge in her eyes, turning back the hazel they originally were.

"No! You're not Paul! You're on of them!" She cried, pointing to the swarm of aliens. "We're going to save you! Make everything back to normal!" She assured.

"Before I had no ambitions, but now my life is a song! Don't you want to see me happy? Is that so tragically wrong?" Paul sang, now dancing around Emma as he did so.

"Of course I want to see you happy," Emma whimpered, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Emma! Get out of there! Now!" Henry ordered, clutching onto Alice with hand, with his gun in the other, ready to fire if the wrong person (or alien- more so) laid hands on him

"I- I can't" Emma cried, suddenly feeling heavy, like she was going to collapse at any second.

"What if the only choice is, you have to sing to survive?" Paul sang louder now. Emma took a deep breath, before finally running away. Dodging people left and right, she ran in Henry's direction. She looked behind her shoulder. Paul was still singing. He didn't look like a zombie, he looked normal. Just like she had last saw him alive.

"We must go on with the show. It's inevitable!" Was the last thing Emma heard as Henry gripped onto Emma's arm, pulling both Alice and Emma in one direction. They ran as fast as they could. Emma felt a sharp pain in her side.

"God I'm unfit," Emma huffed, clutching onto her stomach.

Finally the collapsed behind a building. They could still hear faint singing in the background, but they had lost them for now.

As Henry opened his mouth to say something, Alice burst into tears, with her head in her hands.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Emma soothed, even though she was still out of breath.

"P-Paul," She managed to get out. "I haven't seen him in years," She confessed.

"Oh, it's ok," Emma put her hand on Alice's back.

"I just hate seeing him like that. It's scary," Alice shook her head.

"You'll be fine. We'll be back home soon," Henry assured her. Even though he wasn't looking at her- instead he was keeping watch. Emma smiled at this nonetheless.

Henry felt into his pocket, before his heart skipped a beat.

"Where the fuck is it?" He said frantically, patting himself down.

"Don't tell me-" Emma's eyes widened.

"Where the fuck did it go?" Henry said louder now. "I just had it!"

"The- the piece?" Emma stammered, her throat going dry.

"The piece," Henry confirmed, lowering his arms.

"How do you lose the piece?" Emma exclaimed, putting her hands on her head.

"I- I don't know!" He turned a pink colour.

"That piece?" Alice said, pointing at the ground in front of them. They both went silent.

"Yes- that piece," Emma muttered, folding her arms.

Henry crouched to pick it up, sighing of relief.

"Dumbass," Emma scoffed.

"Hey! I get it! I messed up. Real fucking bad. Multiple times. And honestly I'm surprised you haven't left yet-"

"Technically I have no where else to go, everyone's dead," Emma chuckled, shrugging.

"We've already established that I've fucked up! Ok?" Henry boomed.

"Guys! Stop! We have to stick together. I'm petrified, and I just want everything back to normal. So can we please, focus," Alice blushed.

"Of course. I'm sorry," Emma said calmly, though she glared at Henry.

"Let's just keep moving," Henry growled, stuffing the piece back into his pocket securely.

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