Chapter 7. Poppy

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Daniel is sitting at the table when I get home. I groan and hope that he chooses to ignore me just this once.

"Where have you been?" He asks and I can't ignore him, Mum would have my head, he has that stupid smile on his face. If he wasn't my brother and Mum wasn't home, I would punched it right off.

"Studying at Cadence's" I answer quietly, and his smile turns into a scowl.

"Why can't you study here? She just going to ruin your life" he snaps

"Because there I'm not bothered constantly by people who think they know everything about my life and think they have the right to choose who I get to be friends with, who makes me happy and who doesn't, who is a positive influence and who's a negative one. I study at Cadence's so that I can get away from you judgemental control freaks who only care about themselves" I yell at him "and let me remind you that you were the one who got arrested and spent a year in jail, not Cadence, which makes you the bad influence, not her. She's my best friend, and the only good thing left in my life, if you really love me, you'll let me be happy and accept her as my best friend"

Mum storms into the kitchen, looking for blood. Most likely my blood, but at this point, I don't care, I could have not said anything and still gotten in trouble, and then told to stop hanging out with Cadence. because she's a 'terrible person'. The end result is always the same, no matter what I do.

It's getting old.

She's my best friend, why can't they just accept that?


Two days.

Two days since I last felt happy.

Two days of Mum watching with worried eyes, and fake concern

Two days of Daniel trying to be sympathetic, but barely hiding his joy that Cosette's out of my life.

Two days since I've seen or talked to Tommy or anyone else.

Two days since my world fell apart

Two days since Cosette died.

It's all my fault.

I was supposed to be her best friend. But she was meant to be Sarah's too.

And now I'm sitting in Kyle Coleman's office. He's asking me questions that I can't answer.

"Did Cosette seem upset or off in any way when you talking to her?"

"No, she was normal" I answer. Cosette was being herself while I was playing the role of the unforgiving bitch.

This is all just some elaborate joke, a prank that she thinks is actually funny.

"Did you two have a fight?"

"yeah, I guess"

"I thought you two were best friends"

What is everyone's obsession with me and Cosette?

"We were, in the past. Not for nearly a year"

For more than one reason now.

"What happened?"

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