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realangel_jun: Stop

Please stop

Henry.s.D: Stop wot?

realangel_jun: You know what I'm talking about

Just stop

Henry.s.D: Hmm u're gonna have to be more specific

realangel_jun: Ugh

Stop saying that sort of stuff to other people

Henry.s.D: "other people"?

It wouldn't be other people if you'd just said yes

But you didn't

So I can say whatever the fuck I want to whoever the fuck I want

You just need to accept that

And also shut up

realangel_jun: ...

You know I only said no because I was scared...

Please dont do this, it hurts

Henry.s.D: It hurts?

It hurts???

Maybe you deserve to be hurt ever think of that?

realangel_jun: I'm sorry

I love you|
I lov|

Henry.s.D: Good

I'm glad you're sorry and I'm glad it hurts

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