Chapter 18

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Izuku's POV~

"Just tell us who was on the phone and we can kill you quickly." The blue haired man, who if I remember correctly, is named Shigarki, said.

I say Shinso cockily smirk back at him. 'C'mon, now is not the time Shin.' I thought to myself. "I thought you knew everything?" He asked back.

The guy with purple stitched skin, Dabi I believe, punched him in the face. Looking at the bruises and blood on his face, it wasn't the first hit he'd taken. "I'd watch it if I were you, you're in no place to be acting cocky." He sneered in Shinso's face.

"Fine, you want to know who I was talking to?" Shin asked. Shigaraki groaned, but nodded his head. "Just ask your sister." He said with a smirk.

Shigaraki looked at the teen in confusion. "I don't have-"

"You will in nine months." Shinso said with a shrug.

We almost blew our cover as everyone in the rescue group threw their hands over their mouths to stop the booming laughter we all felt from his joke. Apparently, the villains didn't find it as funny as we did. Shigaraki motioned for Dabi, who threw another punch at Shinso, causing me to wince and Shoto to grip my hand.

"My mother's dead dumbass." Shigaraki said with a roll of his eyes and no emotion.

I couldn't help the pang of empathy I felt for the other man. I couldn't even imagine what it'd be like if my own mother was dead. Maybe that's why he's a villain right now. Maybe if he just would have had a mom, he could have stayed of this path.

A girl with blonde messy space buns came skipping into the room. I'm pretty sure her name was Toga. "I guess that's something you both have in common now." She said with a sick look in her eyes. It was just then that I noticed she was covered in blood, and I don't think any of it was her own.

My eyes widened as I watched Shinso look over at the girl and his own eyes widened as his mouth dropped open. "You-you didn't. We-we have a deal!" He shouted at the other people in the room as he started to pull against the chains holding him in place.

"Correction, we had a deal." Shigaraki said with a smirk as he crossed his arms.

I could do nothing but watch as Shinso seemed to hyperventilate in his confines. The sound of his sudden screams pulled me out of shock. I got up from my crouched position and made a move to the railing. I was gonna get my god damn boyfriend back.

A hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, stopping me from moving any further. I turned my head back and say Shoto, who looked just as upset as I felt. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked me in a whisper, not wanting to draw any attention to us.

"I'm gonna fucking help him." I nearly growled. Shoto sighed, but seemed to realize he couldn't stop me, so he either had to help or watch. Of course he picked to help.

"I don't care if you help or not, but we're getting our boyfriend back, so don't get in our way." He said icily to the pros and classmates who were behind us, also watching the scene unfold.

"Got it bro. Don't worry, we've got your back." I heard Kirishima say as he activated his quirk. I sent him a grateful look. Luckily most of the class wanted to come along and help us, making our chances of success sky rocket.

I turned back around, ready to leap over the railing, when I was stopped by another hand grabbing my wrist. I looked back to see it was Kacchan this time. "Just... don't fucking die, dumb Deku. You too, Icyhot." He mumbled, looking between me and Shoto.

I smiled warmly at him. "Don't worry Kacchan. We'll both be fine. Besides, you'll be there to save us." I said. He just made a 'tch' noise and looked away, but I didn't miss the slight blush on his face.

"Okay, lets get him back." I said to Shoto, who nodded back. I finally made the leap over the railing, landing with a loud thud on the ground. I was able to land on my feet and look semi cool while doing. Shoto ice-surfed his way down, like the bad ass he is.

All of the villains head were turned to us as more of our classmates and pros landed on the ground behind us. I didn't even spare them a glance, my eyes never left the crying purple haired boy in front of me. "What the hell?" Shigaraki said.

Shoto shot ice at him, but the blonde girl pulled him out of the way just before it reached him. I calmly walked my way over to Shinso, a random villain I had never seen before tried to stop me, but I activated One For All and sent him flying into the wall on the opposite side of the room. I wasn't paying attention to all of the chaos happening around me. All of the villains had started to attack the pros and my classmates, who were all standing their ground and fighting back.

I made it to my sobbing boyfriend and quickly broke the chains. They hadn't used quirk canceling cuffs on him, probably because all they had to do was not answer his questions and his quirk was useless. He fell into my arms, not once making any attempt to acknowledge that he even noticed me. He seemed completely numb to the world.

"C'mon Toshi, I need you to work with me." I said, while grabbing him and trying to pull him away. I had to activate One For All to be able to get him out of there fast enough. I nearly made it to the exit, but my leg was grabbed out from under me and a terrible burning sensation took over my calf muscle.

I fell to the ground, dropping Shinso, who had past out probably from pain. I tried to pull my leg to my chest, but someone still had a hold on it. I looked down and saw Shigaraki with all five fingers on my leg, slowly disinigrating it. I screamed out, catching the attention of multiple people.

"IZUKU!" I heard Shoto shout. He couldn't get to me,  he was being held off by two different villains who were running him thin.

All of a sudden I heard a loud explosion and the pain in my leg was lessened. "Fucking Deku, I gave you one god damn rule." I heard Kacchan growl.

"I'm sorry Kacchan." I mumbled as the world started to go fuzzy.

"Hey hey hey, stay with me Izuku." I heard as I was scooped into someone's arms. "Fuck."

Then everything went black.

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