Chapter 2

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Izuku's POV~

When I came to, I was nearly blinded by the light in the room. It took me a few minutes of blinking to fully be able to take in my surroundings.

I was laying on a queen sized bed with a black comforter. The theme of the room seemed to be black, grey, and white. The walls were grey with a thick stripe of black going around all four, and the carpet was a bright white color.

I sat up in an unfamiliar bed, rubbing my sore head. I threw back the covers, wanting to look around and hopefully figure out where I am. I swung my legs around to the side of the bed, but they were abruptly stopped, causing a sting of pain in both of my ankles. I looked down and saw I had chains on both of my legs, connecting me to the bed posts. I tried to break them, even tried to use One For All, but it didn't work.

I huffed and crossed my arms like a child. "This is ridiculous." I whispered to myself.

The squeak of the door opening caused me to snap my head up. A teenage boy with purple hair and deep bags under his eyes walked into the room. He didn't notice I was awake at first, when I cleared my throat he jumped. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips at the fact I was able to startle my kidnapper. I saw him turn a light shade of pink in embarrassment.

It was quiet for a few seconds before I spoke up, "So," I trailed off a bit, "you gonna tell me why I'm here or?..."

He looked up at me with a sort of dead expression. "I don't know." He shrugged with his words.

I stared at him baffled. "You-you don't know why you kidnapped me?" I asked him in shock.

"Yeah, I was just following orders." He explained while moving around, what I assumed, was his own room.

I just watched him walk from one side to the other, cleaning and finding things as he went. "Can you tell me who gave the order then?" I was grasping at straws, but I was just confused as to why someone would kidnap me, especially when there were a bunch of other UA students around.

He stopped moving around and glared at me. "Why would I do that?" He asked.

I gave him a 'seriously?' look, but he just continued to glare. "Bec-" I can't really describe the feeling that suddenly came over me, but I wasn't able to move or talk.

"Thank god, now shut up." He muttered, just loud enough for me to hear. He started to move again when he stopped and walked over to the bed I was still sitting on. "Get up." He commanded. I tried to follow his order, not that I had a choice, but the cuffs were still on my ankles, prohibiting my movements. "Damn it, here." He took out a key and undid the locks.

Once free I got off the bed and just stood there. My brain was yelling for me to run, but I couldn't. 'Obviously it's his quirk.' I thought I myself.

He shuffled around the blankets, looking for something. While doing so, he looked at me over his shoulder. "Fuck, it's creepy when you're just standing there. You can talk if you want."

I took a big breath of air. I could move my mouth, but nothing else. "Your quirk is so cool!" And the first thing I do is fanboy. I'm hopeless.

He froze his movements at my words and slowly turned around to face me. "Seriously? I kidnapped you, chained you to my bed, and am currently mind controlling you, and you think it's cool?" He asked me in shock.

"What were you expecting? I'm in the hero course, I know how villains work, there's no point in asking you to let me go. Might as well make conversation." I said casually, I would have shrugged if I could move my shoulders.

"Touché broccoli." He said, going back to looking in the bedding for something.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Jeez, not you to. I have to deal with that enough from Kaminari and Mina." I whined. Whining probably wasn't the best idea, but he seemed decently chill.

"Don't whine, it's annoying." He said back, not sparing me a look. I tried to whine again, just to spite him, but I couldn't.

"You suck. Ha! That wasn't whining, it was complaining!" I cheered in victory. I had a goofy grin on my face, pleased that I had one upped the other boy. He rolled his eyes at me, but didn't say anything else.

"So, what's your name? Mine's Izuku Midoriya." I said, trying to start another conversation. I didn't like the silence, it was unnerving.

"I know that, I kidnapped you." He pointed out. He moved from the bed to the closet, rustling through it.

"Well what's your name then?" I asked, really hoping I could get literally anything from this conversation.

He sighed. "Hitoshi Shinso." He said.

I beamed at him. "Mind if I call you Toshi? I have a thing for nicknames."

"I'm aware." He mumbled to himself.

I looked at him in confusion. "What?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. Call me whatever you want." He muttered.


"So you can you tell me who made you kidnap me now?" I asked him hopefully, batting my eyelashes.

He rolled his eyes once again at me. "Whatever, it doesn't matter I guess. I'm part of the league of villains. Someone high up wanted you." He said simply.

My face paled at the mention of the league of villains. Kacchan was kidnapped by them to. "Aizawa's gonna kill me." I mumbled. "Kacchan's gonna kill me. My god, Kirishimas gonna give another inspirational speech and they're all gonna try and rescue me." I said, really wanting to face palm, but I still couldn't use my body.

Toshi looked at me confused. "Another speech?" He asked.

"A while ago the league kidnapped one of my friends, Bakugou. Kirishima managed to rope a group of students, including me, together to rescue him. We actually succeeded." I said, remembering the whole night.

Realization appeared on the other boy's face. "Oh yeah, I remember being told about that. That was you?" He asked in surprise.

I nodded. "What? Do I not look intimidating?" I asked him jokingly.

He took one look at my frozen body and smirked. "Not in the slightest."

I mocked offense. "Rude. I'll have you know I could Detroit smash your ass to the moon!" I said, turning my nose away from him.

A look of sincere confusion crossed his face. "You're going to... smash my ass to the moon?" He started to laugh as my face turned bright red. I couldn't even hide behind my hands.

"That's not what I meant! I was talking about my quirk!" I tried to explain over the sounds of his laughter.

"Jesus Izu, I know that. I'm fucking with you." He said, sobering up.

"Izu?" I asked in amusement.

He looked at me with a blank face. "You have a nickname for me, it's only fair. Plus I kidnapped you, I can call you whatever I want." He said with a shrug.

"Izu it is then." I said quietly.

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