"Will you marry me?" I asked her.

Minnie covered her face, as if she was shy. I knew that Mickey was just a mascot but he looked pissed. He tried to push me away but I stood (kneeled?) my ground. However, I didn't expect the next to happen.

Bucky threw himself at Minnie, pushing her back. "Get away from my boyfriend!" he yelled at her.

Steve and Melissa had a good laugh. Bucky pulled me up and kissed me in front of Minnie as if trying to send a message. Minnie's shoulders drooped while Mickey wiped his forehead.

"Don't you dare pull off some stupid shit like that, okay?" he told me threateningly.

I pecked him on the cheek. "Love you too, B."

* * * * *

P.O.V: Kean

"Thank you and Merry Christmas!" I greeted a customer as she left the library.

"Why are there people visiting the library during Christmas?" Bucky wondered.

"Some people don't have families to go back to, so I let them visit and offer them some free food," I gestured towards a small table that I had set up with Melissa's that was piled with free muffins and buns from the bakery. Last year, I had to bake all of them myself.

"What made you come up with this idea?"

"I thought that it would be nice for everyone to have some place where they can get free food in case they were hungry. Homeless people, poor people, anyone."

"You're amazing."

"Thanks. You know who else is amazing?"

"Steve," we said in unison.

We convinced Steve to dress up as Santa for Christmas. Kids were sitting on his lap and telling him what they wanted for Christmas. He's probably regretting it big time right now. Melissa walked around, arranging books while making small talk with other customers. I made them all where Santa's hats. Melissa voluntarily dressed up as an elf while Bucky and I wore ugly sweaters, much to Bucky's disgust and my happiness.

"He does sort of look happy," Bucky said.

"Just a little," I said. "Later though, he's going to kill us."

He laughed. "Then we gotta hide behind Melissa to protect us. Oh, speaking of which, remember when you said that you thought Melissa and Steve wouldn't be a couple."

I facepalmed. I nearly forgot about our time in Iceland. "Yeah, I do. Guess I was wrong, huh?"

"It's okay to be wrong once in a while," he said, kissing me on the cheek.

I glanced to see what was he doing. "Are you reading the book that I was reading a few months ago?"

"Yeah. It's pretty interesting. By the way, the main character-"

He pulled out a switchblade and pointed it at me. "Go on. I dare you."

I had the audacity to laugh. "Okay, okay. I'll shut up."

"Good." He kept the blade back.

I would like to tell you that it has been really easy being Bucky's boyfriend. As much as I loved it, it was tough. Every now and then, Bucky would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming. His screaming would wake me up as I would usually sleep with him, alternating between my place and the Avengers Tower. I would have to hug him tightly and calm him down.

Bucky was burdened with nightmares. Even though I returned, he would still have dreams of me dying. I always stayed by his side in case anything happened to him. I've been taking him to a therapist to help out with his nightmares. It was working. Very slowly, but surely.

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