Humans and Bots pt 1 A strange Relic

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Hello It's Me Transformersprimegal! 

And i have a new story for you I will be updating "A round of questions" soon but i wanted to write another story in the mean time, again i'm sorry about any mistakes.

Before we get started here are some speech rules

Author is talking


"Talking out loud"                                  {Com link}             /Bumblebees beeps/

OK now that's out of the way lets get started, hope you enjoy!

It was  a normal day in Jasper,Nevada and Raf was waiting for Bumblebee to pick him up from school. Raf was sitting on the front steps,when Bumblebee drove up and honked at him "Oh Hey Bee!" Raf said running up to the Custom black and yellow muscle car whos door imediatly opened as Raf got close 

"So anything exciting happen today?" Raf asked as he clicked his seat belt down

/Not really...Oh Bulkhead got hit in the head with a wrench by Ratchet/ Bumblebee beeped 

"Wait ha why?" Raf said trying to contain his laughter

/He broke  one of Ratchets wrenches, so Ratchet broke him with a wrench!/ Bumblebee explained through laughs and giggles 

" Wow that's hilariously ironic!' Raf said as he giggled a bit before turning his gaze completely serious and thoughtful 

After a few moments of not quite awkward silence Bumblebee became curious as to why his young Friend suddenly went quite /Something  wrong,Raf?/ he beeped with a hint of worry

"um i was just wondering something" Raf replied trying to ease the small tension /what were you wondering? / Bumblebee asked wondering if he could be assistance to his Friend

"oh nothing really" Raff told him "Ya nothing" he repeated as he looked out the passengers side window looking at all the cactus's and shrubs that littered the are surrounding the highway.

/Rafael,i know when you're not telling the absolute and utter truth/ Bumblebee stated if he was in robot mode he would have crossed his arms in front of his chest but since he was in car mode  stern tone would have to do 

"What...oh well i was sort of wondering...." Raf trailed off "if you have a Crush on Arcee" he finished looking at Bumblebee's steering wheel, for a little while there was an Awkward silence

/uh well you see......the thing  Bumblebee whirred nervously / Bumblebee shifted nervously in car form as they sped along the highway leading to the base 

Raf smiled and crossed his arms over his chest in mock authority "Bumblebee,I know when you're not telling the absolute utter truth" he said mimicking what Bumblebee had said earlier

/I know but....Hey you turned my own words against me!/ Bumblebee chirped in mock anger

"But Bee,seriously do you have a crush on her?"Raf asked turning back to his original question 

/Oh well would you look at that we are already back at base/ Bumblebee faked being put out 

"we are going to talk about  this later" Raf reassured Bumblebee with a smirk and one brow raised "don't you worry i will remember!" He added as he hopped out and let Bumblebee transform into robot mode.

/whoop/ Bumblebee clicked sarcastically /Cain't wait!/ he said with fake happiness and enthusiasm 

"What's Raf on about?" Arcee asked curiously  "what did he need to continue?"

/um...Nothing PROJECT! and he such/ Bumblebee explained nervously trying not to turn red 

"What ever i guess, tell him if he needs any extra help that dosen't blow themselves up he can call me" she said as she walked off to go see what Bulkhead was doing.

/ I will!/ he called after her and then realization struck him / Hey i don't blow stuff up!/ he yelled after her again / well at least not ALL the time/ he mumbled 

Suddenly an alarm sounded "We Have con's transporting a strange object i have never seen before!" Ratchet yelled as Optimus walked in  along with Bulkhead and Arcee 

"Bulkhead, Ratchet prepare to roll out!" Optimus ordered 

"wait what  why me?" Ratchet normally never questions optimus but this seemed like the wrong choice ' I haven't been out in the field for a while, why would optimus choose me when he could choose Arcee or Bumblebee' Ratchet thought to himself

"Because old Friend in this scenario we  may need a medic or information more than another warrior" Optimus  explained to the confused crowed "alright then glad to help" Ratchet said lighting up a bit 

"Arcee man the ground bridge, Auto-bots transform and roll out!" optimus yelled an then the three drove through the ground bridge.

"so wht do you guys wanna do?" Miko asked Arcee and Bumblebee "Oh,Oh how about truth or dare?!" she shouted excitedly

/What's that?/ Bumblebee asked confused 

"Oh truth or dare i've heard of that I'm game" Arcee replied causally " what about you Bee?" she asked 

/what's truth or dare again,i forget" he could remember the game and it's goal but only a little, Raf then translated

  "Oh you ask Truth Or Dare and then the other Pearson answers them with one of the two options and then the Pearson who asked ask's them either a truth which you have to answer or a dare which you have to do" Miko explained sloppily.

/Oh.....OK/ Bumblebee uneasily agreed not wanting them to ask to many questions about personal things.

"he said he'd play" Raf answered the strange looks Jack and Miko gave him 

"Alright then let's play, let's go with the bottle route" Miko pulled out a plastic soda bottle and spun it really hard.

'Who is it gonna stop on it's hard to tell it's going around and around and around and around' Bumblebee thought to himself

And then the bottle slowly slowed until it came to a complete stop facing Bumblebee.

Good Chapter? yes? no? tell me in the comments i liked this chapter but that's just me! so ya see you guys next time again yes i will be updating " a round of questions" soon so hang in there guys! should i continue i think i will!

Thanks for putting up with me-Transformersprimegal!

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