14 ~Best Friend... Such A Pain....~

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Dedicated to psuhuna, PearlOfPacific,Kiddo_star,anjuarshi,BSRaizada,KrinaCuty,

and all my lovely readers and friends...

14 ~ Best Friend...Such a Pain ~

Such a Pain ~

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Few Weeks later....

One day before Holi...


Arnav's cabin.....

It was the day before Holi.. The Ray mansion already glowing with happiness. Because for the Ray's, it is the first Holi after their beloved Arnav's marriage. And for the said couple, this Holi is important because tomorrow two important persons are coming to observe the Ray's , to be more precise to observe Arnav - Khushi and their compatibility with each other and definitely how they are handling Advay.

Arnav was sitting in his leather chair looking at nothing in particular. Tomorrow is a very important day. Somewhere in last weeks after their marriage, few incidents happened which was mean to create differences between Arnav and Khushi but it was the blessings of Almighty that they successfully overcome the situations and still going strong.

Arnav sigh thinking about the small small incidents which occurred in last few days. Like, Advay's food got burn, trying to impose different question in Advay's mind regarding his dada and angel's possible ignorance, then trying to portray Khushi is incapable before Arnav and portraying Arnav as a womaniser before Khushi's eyes.

Subhadra Mallik did not leave a chance to break their bond but surprisingly every time, she failed. Arnav knew it's all became possible because of Khushi and her strength, her immense trust on him. The way Khushi always handles the situations, specially Advay. Now even Subhadra Mallik accepts that making Advay against Khushi is next to impossible.

But Arnav felt disgusted remembering the way two days ago Subhadra Mallik tried to poisoned Khushi's mind by showing some of Arnav's photograph with Sheetal.. Well few photographs were original but few were photo shopped. Arnav went to Nainital for an important meeting that day and when at night he came back, Payal and Akash narrated the whole incident. They both could not stop praising about Khushi.. It was Khushi who not only give a damn about the photograph but also proved that they are morphed. She openly accused Mrs Subhadra Mallik for her deeds. But what warmed Arnav's heart was the words she spoke to defend her husband.. "I trust my husband. I know these all are fake and I don't need any proof to bring my trust on him. But here ARNAV'S REPUTATION is at stake. I don't want anybody should take any advantage of the situation. I will bring the truth out Mrs Mallik, and also who did this, before Arnav comes back from Nainital." And Khushi Ray keep her words, with the help of Aman, within few hours Khushi proved that the photograph were all fake.

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