Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
(Crystal's POV)

Upon entering the Cullen's house, I was immediately enveloped within my Jasper's arms. He ran his nose along my jaw up to my ear, taking in my scent.

"Well, hello to you, too!" I giggled, causing him to pull back and smirk.

"I miss you whenever you're not near." He drawled.

Before I could respond to that sweet statement, the sound of a throat clearing echoed within the living room.

"Can we move on from this yuck fest and move on to the whole reason that we're all gathered to begin with?" Emmett's deep voice boomed. Rosalie only rolled her eyes at her mate's complete lack of manners, choosing instead to remain silently by his side as he stood next to Bree, who was sitting on the couch, her eyes black as she looked hungrily at Bella as she stood behind me next to Edward.

It appears that I wasn't the only one to notice this as Bella looked at Bree abet nervously. "Are you sure that it's okay that I'm here? If it's too hard on Bree, I could leave and you could just fill me in later?" She murmured to Edward.

"She needs to learn control," Jasper objected before Edward could respond.

"But using Bella to teach her isn't the best idea, don't you think?" Edward glared at his brother, pushing his mate behind his lanky form.

"You know that we would never let anything happen to her, Edward. Besides, I would see it and you would hear it before it happens." Alice reminded him. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he nodded and waved a hand at us to get on with it. I didn't blame him for wanting to get this over with. After all, his mate was in the presence of a hungry newborn who could snap at any second and it wasn't fair to Bree to have her in such pain; animal blood could only do so much for a newborn.

Down to business…

(Bree's POV)

Jasper looked towards me, still clearly wary of me when it came to Crystal. "Were there twenty of you?"

I felt hesitant to answer as I thought over everything. After all, I still didn't know these yellow eyes and if they really weren't out to hurt me. Crystal said that they wouldn't, but Riley said that they played mind games and that our thoughts weren't even safe.

Before I could think any more, I began to feel funny and before I knew it, the words flew out of my mouth. "Nineteen or twenty, maybe more, I don't know. Sara and the one whose name I don't know got in a fight on the way…" I trailed off, feeling compliant and a need to please this group of yellow eyes.

"Jasper, I don't think that's necessary. I'm sure that she'll tell us anything we want without your help." The blond leader spoke.

Wait, what just happened?

I didn't have to think on that long as the funny yielding feeling disappeared, leaving me more or less startled.

"What was that?" I asked no one in particular.

Crystal took a step to approach me, but was stopped by Jasper, who looked at her anxiously. She only smiled at him and pat the hand that was holding her arm before turning to me once again. "My mate has a special gift. He is able to feel and manipulate the feelings of others."

I felt my eyes go wide. "Gift?"

The little spikey haired vampire nodded enthusiastically. "It's not common, but there are some vampires who are 'born' with special abilities upon waking as a newborn."

Newborn? This was the second time I heard this term. Newborn, like a newborn baby? I guess it made sense.

Focusing back on what she told me about gifted vampires, I felt a light bulb go off over my head. Diego was right! Fred's unique ability was a vampire gift.

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