Chapter 3

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Disclaimer. All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I only do this for fun.

Out of the Dark & Into the Light

A/N: This story is written as a collaboration by both Xo BellaItalia oX and Katara Melody Cullen. If you have any questions, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note at the bottom of the chapter. We hope that you enjoy the story and look forward to reading your reviews.

Chapter 3

(Crystalline's POV)

"Crystal, dear, we will have to run to the clearing where the rest of the family will be." Mom told me, turning her head slightly to look at me before looking up into the review mirror and flipping on her turn signal in preparation for changing lanes.

"Okay, but shouldn't I change first or should I just wear what I'm wearing?" I asked her as I looked down at my slaying ensemble.

"I don't think you have to change, darling. Jasper will be showing us how to kill newborns and I think you will also be helping in that category since you have various experience in that, yourself." She told me, looking back over and me with a smile and a quirked brow.

"Okay," I sighed. "I just hope that everyone likes me." I hoped in a voice filled with anticipation.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, they will love you." My mother told me lovingly while reaching her hand over and giving my hand a gentle, affectionate squeeze.

I squeezed her hand back and smiled. It felt so good to have my mother here with me again, to feel her affectionate gestures and breathe in her comforting scent. I couldn't wait to see my father and be in his caring presence once again. It had been far too long since I had seen him in the flesh and not just over a monitor on video chat. Before that, we had to make due with letters and telephone calls until computers the video chat was invented. But it just wasn't the same.

I was sure that I would look different to him now that I had reached my full adult age, which had been after seven years. I still had another year before I reached my full aging potential when I was taken into Jackson's custody. My hair had grown longer, down to the bottom of my rib cage and I had lost that baby face in favor of sleek adult-like curves. I had a more mature look to me now and it would be a major difference to them what how I used to age rapidly until the seven years were up.

I looked out my window and noticed the sign that said 'Welcome to Forks'.

"We will be arriving soon outside of a clearing where we are going to meet with the werewolves and then will be running from there." My mother said happily. I was assuming that she's happy to be close to dad again. I don't think she's ever been away from him this long, even if it was for a day and all the way down in Texas.

It was then that I began to think about what she said. Werewolves?

"Werewolves?" I looked over at her, quirking a brow in question.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! There is a pack of wolves who live on the reservation. They have something in their genes that allows them to change into giant horse sized wolves. We are not allowed on their land and we have a treaty with them that prevents us from biting or killing a human. They will be helping us with the newborn army." She explained.

"Wow, so they're not real Children of the Moon, then?" I asked intrigued.

She pursed her lips together. "I'm not sure, honey. I know that they're not bound by the moon, but I'm not sure what a real wolf looks like to be able to make any more comparisons than that."

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